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Your POV

*two months later..*

It was the last day of shoot yesterday. It was such a new experience for me to work with such incredibly talented people. We had a small party with the entire crew. Of course there was a little crying happening at the end. It amazes me that how fast you get attached to people working with you. Like, by now I literally know everyone by their names who were on sets. I used to think actors just overreact but no it's genuine.

My brother's wedding is in almost 3 weeks and I do not have the outfits picked out yet. I am gonna go over board with my outfits. I contacted the designer who designed the outfit for my MV, she was super sweet to design my brother and his to be wife's outfits. As well as mine. Hehe!

I totally forgot about my college and masters degree untill I got a call from the principal. My dad was so mad at me for dropping out, but my mum handled it. I do have a degree, it's not like I don't have any education certification or shit.

I turned 21. Sadly no one was free so Ajiah and I went to Paris to celebrate our 21st birthday for a week. And now I am home.

About Harry and I... We're still dating , I haven't seen him in weeks now. We do talk over call or text though, he's on tour and that's it. We did had a few dates. The "virtuals dates"- as Harry calls it. We're good. We're not official yet, I am too nervous to bring that out and Harry haven't said anything about it.

As for Ajiah and Harrison. They seem to be in a committed relationship. I am so happy they talked about the misunderstandings between them, or at least that Harrison was ready to talk to Ajiah or I would have literally murdered him.

Harrison, Ajiah and I were already in India. Yes, my brother invited them as well, and so as Harry but he came in a week later. Tom couldn't come cuz he had some work. We reached to my parents house. They literally live in a penthouse. I miss living here. I was like the Princess of this house, untill I decided to move out because it was too much to handle my grandma as she tried to marry me off with one of my jobless cousin.

Despite living a luxurious life since I was 5, my parents somehow managed to keep us to the ground. They are good parents, they spoiled me and my siblings but not too much. They helped us with our education, paying for fees when we couldn't. My siblings and I worked part time whilst we studied cuz according to my parents "we needed to learn the real struggles of the life" and they were right. Living alone is not as easy as it sounds or looks.

My mum is suspicious about Harry and I already. He couldn't keep it to himself, he is constantly trying to hold my hand, kissing my cheeks or just cuddling. She doesn't know about this yet, I don't blame her, I don't know about Harry and I either. This guy hasn't asked to make it official yet. Plus I am too scared to tell my parents, especially my dad!

I was walking down the hallway on the first floor with the heavy dress of my brother's to be wife to his room, I kept it in one of his closets.

"ahhh!" I screamed as I saw Harry standing there at the door. "why the hell you enjoy to scare me, dude?"

"I don't intend scare you baby, you're just always in your own world." he chuckled.

"I am busy that's why!" I stuttered defending myself, he's not wrong though.

"what are you doing here?"

"I came to keep Jasmine's reception outfit here." I said, finally closing the closet. "what are you doing here?"

"I came here for a kiss." he took two steps closer to me, as he gently kissed my lips.

"Harry!" I looked at him with wide eyes.

I Don't Hate You But I Don't Like You.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora