Galaxy of Guilt (Pt.1)

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 Distant sirens disrupted the monotonous sound of rushing wind, the same wind that billowed through green curls and had Izuku's baggy clothes ripping away from his body like a flag on a pole. They jerked harshly, desperately trying to tear away from his flesh as if they were attempting to escape from him. Izuku didn't blame them.


 There were people beneath him, a crowd forming on the street below like a pile of ants gathered beneath their queen- aimless and waiting. Green eyes scanned over the small blobs, but recognized none of them. They were too shapeless, blending together in a mix of colors that didn't make sense to the freckled boy's addled mind.


 Looking up, Izuku stared vacantly over the roofs of the buildings and houses that made up the small town he once called home. Light spilled over them from the setting sun, painting everything in a beautiful fiery orange. Izuku wished that light would swallow him whole. He wanted to step into it and allow the rays to burn him up, withering his frail body till nothing but the smouldering coals remained. Yearned to watch from the asphalt as his self-hatred reduced to little more than a vapor that billowed up and into the atmosphere, clouding the endless skyline.


  What am I doing? He asked himself, the voice in his head distant and quiet, as if talking to him through a wall.


  I don't know, he answered back.


  Is this the only way? Am I doing the right thing? Would everyone really be better off without me?


 Izuku sighed, the bags under his eyes drooping with a weight much too heavy to carry himself.


  I don't know.


 All he knew was that he wasn't happy here. He hadn't been in a long time and it didn't seem like he ever would be again. His life was a maelstrom of misfortune and misery that kept him constantly suffocating, pulled under the water where no one could hear him. No one could see him, or touch him, or save him. This life… it was a poison. It ensured from the moment he was born he would have only one path; one that could only lead here, on the roof of Aldera Junior High, where all the anguish and torture he'd suffered would finally be dragged to the concrete and paint it all a dark crimson.


 “Yes,” His father whispered, nothing but a shadow that hovered ominously behind him. A wispy hand on his shoulder pushed him perpetually forward, encouraging his imminent descent.


 “Jump. End it all.”


 Izuku swallowed hard, watching as the ground stretched away from him, twisting and turning as it distorted.


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