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Hey guys, Aqierra here, so here's the latest chapter of Sawyer's Regret. While you read, don't forget to leave me some of those wonderful comments, because you all know I love to here from you. Enjoy the chapter!!!


Taking in a deep breath as she stood in front of the door before her, Sage took the moment to gather her thoughts and to prepare herself. She had no idea of what to expect when the door open, and at the moment it wasn't really her concern. It plagued her, but the thought of seeing Sawyer as he was, was the only thing on her mind.

When she got the call from Ethan, she was at a loss for words, but she also felt a sense of relief.

For the first time since the incident happened, and everyone learned of his disappearance, there was finally word on his whereabouts. Not saying that learning that he was in Robert Frost's territory wasn't a relief, because it was. But knowing that he was in a place where she could get to put her at a greater ease.

When she got the call from Ethan, the first thing that she did once she had hung up, was to grab her car keys and hit the door.

As she drove, she could practically hear all of the voices of her friends, mainly Holland's and Bruno's, telling her that she should stay away. Knowing she should have probably stayed in the house, she ignored that part of her brain, because the thought of finally seeing him after all this time, was just too great of a need for her. She wanted more than anything, to hear his voice, to see his face, and to have him in her arms.

For the first time in a long time, her feelings for him, were uncontrollable, and she didn't have the strength to stay away. Ever since she woke up from the black out, her main thought had been on him, and Ryan's safety. But it had mainly been on Sawyer.

For the first time in a long time, she could make sense of what she felt for him, and all she wanted was to see him, standing in front of her. Whatever would happen after they saw it other would have to wait, because at the moment all she wanted to do was to glance into his dark brown eyes, and to see that he was okay.

Which was why, she found herself standing outside of his apartment's door. The hall to his apartment had been cleared, which let her display a range of expression on her face, that went from worried to longing, within seconds without having her to worry about what other people may think about her.

Without hesitation, she lifted her hand to the door, and gave a somewhat urgent knock.

Taking in a deep breath, she could feel her heart beating against her chest, feeling as if it were ready to explode.

Hearing the shuffling from the other side of the door, she found herself balling her fist in a nervous habit, suddenly thinking about what his reaction might be to seeing her. As she recalled, the last time they saw each other, it didn't end on a good note.

In fact, it ended on the worst possible note there could have been. She accused him of sleeping around when she was in fact the only one in their relationship sleep with someone else. She said some really hurtful things to him, and she knew she hurt him. The look on his face said it all, and that was something that she couldn't shake. And after the blackout, and after feeling his pain from the bar attack, she was too afraid to think that she may never get a chance to make things right. And now that she finally had that chance, she suddenly got the sickening feeling that maybe he didn't want to hear a word of what she had to say. Maybe he didn't want to see her, and if he didn't, she didn't know what she'd do. His reject would hurt like hell, and she wouldn't know how to handle it, but she wouldn't blame him if that's the route he took.

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