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oml so when i tell you i've been emotional today it's been just...
as soon as the given trailer came out yesterday i watched it and i literally couldn't stop crying
wow um y'all 900 reads welll..oop
so thanks
okay so here's this.
i wrote this chapter out of pure boredom at like 2am last night so yee.
reminder-no characters/art/photos belong to me unless it says so.
sorry for the grammar/spelling mistakes.
i guess y'all could say this hints at homophobia so back off if that might get to ya.
takeda pov-

as i left the room i felt as weird feeling in my stomach.
'why was he so flustered by seeing me without a shirt on...'
i opened the door leading onto the busy street. the streets were busy for a weekday night but that doesn't matter. i walked down the road towards a small convince store. i made my way inside and grabbed my items. after i bought my items i decided to go for a walk.after walking for a good 15 minutes i found a bench to sit on.

i sat myself down and looked up at the sky. the moon shining brightly down on the world made me feel calm. that wasn't going to last long.
the stars painted perfectly across the dark night sky.
the bench i sat at was near a little pond. i watched small animals get in and out of the pond. baby ducklings following their mother. geese being loud and annoying.

as i sat their i saw a figure walking towards the other side of the pond. the figure sat themselves on the bench. i don't think they noticed me so i continued to examine the person. it was of course dark out but i could make out an average sized man on the bench.
i couldn't make out any distinct features so i decided to stop being creepy and go back to examining the sky.
(if y'all can't tell i have a slight obsession with astronomy and ya girl really do be loving the stars ngl)

"takeda.." i turned around to see her.
"mom." i managed to croak out.
"your father.." "how did you know i was here. i told you not to contact me while i was here." she nodded. "i know. but i have something to tell you." she sat herself next to me and put a piece of her hair behind her hair. "okay.." i looked down trying to ignore eye contact with her.

"your father is sick..really sick. we are going to get together soon. this week to be exact. we would like you to join." she smiled at me.
it hurt.
after what she did she thinks it's okay to just act like she didn't do anything. "sorry i can't." i said firmly.

"honey..i know i told you to go but your dad is dying! you can't act like it doesn't matter!" i shook my head. "it's not my fault." i regretted saying that immediately. "how could you say that! your father is dying! and your sitting there acting like just because your "gay" you don't have to see him!" i felt tears forming in my eyes. my face flushed red. palms sweaty.

"i'm not using my sexuality as an excuse to not see him. i told you i didn't want to see you. you didn't listen.." i couldn't hold my emotions any longer. "don't use your as your "sexuality" as an excuse. i might not agree with it but i still love you!"

i watched the man across the pond run off.

she looked at me with a confused expression.
"stop acting like you love me. you said i was disgusting. you kicked me out for what being able to fucking love the people i want. stop acting like you love me cause if you did you wouldn't be doing this.
you act like just because your sexuality is "normal"
or whatever like your better than me. like you have a reason to treat me like i'm nothing! like i don't matter! you will never understand what you did to me. your too selfish and homophobic to see your actions effected me. to see your actions hurt me.
to see your actions will always be engraved in my memory.
every last insult.
every last mean action.
every last thing you ever did to me!
good or bad.
just leave me alone."

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