13: Save Me to Save Him! (2/3)

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you opened your eyes and saw you were treated and was laying in an unfamiliar room...

"oh, You woke up?"

you turned around as you heard his voice...

Hwa Young: Baekhyun-ah.. you looked at him with a teary smile

you got up and ran to him and hugged him right away bursting into tears... 

you were crying uncontrollably... he was also startled because it was his first time seeing you crying this hard...

Baekhyun: Don't worry... I am here hmm?  now stop crying and eat this... I made it just for you *he smiled*

Hwa Young: Thank you so much... you sat down and ate the whole bowl

Baekhyun: now tell me... what happened? who did that to you? *he asked you calmly*

Hwa Young: Y-your F-father... you said nervously

he was shocked for sure... but he did not show it, instead he held your hands and said " I will protect you from now onwards"

you smiled but then you remembered... you need to tell him about your powers!

Hwa Young: Oppa, I need to tell you something... the thing is... I received my powers long ago and I hid it- *cuts*

Beakhyun: I know, that day when you ran in the forest... I was there and I saw your transformation... you were shocked like really shocked... and I saw you go into the water to rinse the blood, the moonlight really made you glow but I could not do anything because * he takes your hand and places on his cheat* this... stopped me 

you can feel his heartbeat the same beat as your which made you smile and light blush but then he said "Your the 1st one to make my heart beat like this"

Hwa Young: do you still feel the same for me? you asked him with a smile

he nodded and then you said...

Hwa Young: I wish I could show you... I lost my powers *you said as you looked down*

Beakhyun: WHAT?! how???!! tell me! he panicked

Hwa Young: Your father, he wounded me and took my powers... and the only person who can get it back is you now... please help me Beakhyun-ah

EXO: The Demon King's Son (Baekhyun X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now