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JOHN CONSTANTINE WAS A PAIN IN THE ASS. That's something that hadn't change within the past five years. Five years ago, John Constantine was able to put an end to the rising darkness alongside Olivia and his friends: Zed and Chas. It didn't take the warlock long to figure out that the angel Manny wasn't who he said he was. He had in fact fallen, using all of them as pawns. Olivia unfortunately didn't know too much about the fallen angel. Due to her fathers fears of losing her to this unexpected foe, she was kept in the dark during their last few battles. All she knew was that Manny wanted John to teach Zed and Olivia how to use their abilities, to build them up to their full potential, then swoop in and somehow get them to join him.

A month after, the team had split up for the better, but they very much still kept in touch. Chas finally went home to his daughter, and fixed his once broken family. Zed uses her gifts to help others. She goes wherever her visions lead her, but she had never been in more control of her psychic abilities than she is now. And Olivia and John? Well, they moved to New Orleans at an attempt to be a normal family. Well, as normal as they could be. Their brand new life, however, it had worked for a while. They lived in a decent apartment minutes away from the French Quarter. John found jobs here and there within the community. Not surprisingly, many people came to him for his magical abilities and they paid well. John had even fell in love.

Desmond had been welcomed into their small and slightly broken family with open arms. He even eventually moved in with them. He had helped Olivia learn how to drive, and allowed her to use his car when she took the drivers test. Her, John, and Desmond would spend every night cooking dinner together. They continued her mother's old tradition of family movie night every Friday. He went to her high school graduation. He was there when she received her acceptance letter from the art school she dreamed of attending since she was ten. He danced stupidly in the living room with her and John when they read she had gotten in.

They were happy. Until Desmond broke John's heart. Olivia didn't know much about what happened, which left her more confused. All John told her was that Desmond decided that he was too much. That they were too much. He didn't want to be a part of their family anymore. And from their everything went downhill. Her father was heartbroken and he decided that New Orleans couldn't be home for him anymore. He moved back to New York with Olivia's permission while she stayed back in New Orleans. What was she supposed to say? No? He was miserable, and she was no longer a little girl anymore. But at least he had payed off the apartment for a year. They talk on the phone every night, and they planned on visiting one another when she was on break.

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