The bet

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I'm Becky and I was 17 when this happened. It all started when I was at the concert with my friends- Jackie and Rachel. Rachel is my friend since we were little kids. We live in the same street and we go to the same high school. She is always there for me and I'm grateful to have her.

Jackie is my best friend too. We met in high school and I like her too, but she's usually spending time with some of her friends.

Anyway, the three of us were at the concert in Montana- it was close to our houses, so we stayed for a whole night. It was about 4 a.m. when everyone started going home. Jackie, Rachel, and I were walking toward my car. In front of us was a group of guys we didn't know- it was dark and we didn't really pay attention.

Suddenly, one of them turned and bumped into me. Rachel and Jackie tried to hide their laughs, but they're not the best at that. I looked up (since the guy was way taller than me) and said "sorry". His response was "move! " and then he moved on... like I bumped into him. 

It wasn't a big deal and I was tired, so we just left. Two days later, in my math class- guess who enters the class. The guy that bumped into me. He took a seat in front of me so I couldn't see the board anymore.

Jackie and Rachel were laughing and commenting while I was stuck behind him- not seeing anything. The teacher said his name was something like Dan, Dylan... I didn't remember. Usually, I see the board and I don't get anything... now I won't see the board and also not know anything.  When the class was over he stormed out of the classroom. I hurried to catch him, 

Becky: Hey! Hey, new guy!

He turned, looking who was calling. I finally caught him. 

Becky: Hi. Becky.

"What do you want?"

That was rude...

Becky: I was just asking if you can pick another seat at the class. Couse, I can't see anything behind you. 
"Not my problem."

He turned as he'll leave. 

Becky: No... it's my problem, but it would help if you moved.
"I don't help people."

He left. 

Jackie: What was that all about?
Becky: I just asked him if he could switch seats.
Rachel: And?
Becky: I quote, not my problem. 
Rachel: Jerk...

*Hot jerk* thought Rachel.

Oh yeah, I forgot... I can read people's minds. I can do it since I was a little kid and no one knows. Not even my parents. When I was a kid, I was trying to tell them, but they thought I'm crazy and now I pretend I'm normal. 

It could be a little irritating sometimes- it's tuff when you know what do people think of you, your family, or friends. The worst part is that I hear when someone is lying to me- and people lie a lot. But I got used to it by now. 

I can't just turn it off or stop listening to people. Sometimes is really helpful: when professors think how stupid we are and then they think of the right answers while we're taking the test, or when somebody is sad or depressed I can understand them better.

But sometimes, I think it's a curse because I can hear a lot of negative thoughts like fake friendships or fake relationships. It's sad when one person loves the other one and the other person is just waiting for an opportunity to cheat on them. 

Nothing was really happening in the math class. Math and English were the only classes we took together. And he was sitting in front of me on both of them. I was pretty pissed because I thought he was doing it on purpose. 

Rachel and I were in the cafe after school. 

Becky: It's really killing me. Why is he in front of me...
Rachel: Chill, it's only two classes. And why is that bothering you so much? I would complain if it was someone else, but he looks great. 
Becky: Yeah... I can really see that while I'm staring at his back
Rachel: Hey... You have better look than anyone and I'm sure there's a ton of jealous girls. 
Becky: For example?
Rachel: Khloe. 

Becky: Oh please... she's jealous about everything...
Rachel: I bet they'll end up together by the end of the month. 
Becky: Why do you think that? I don't really see him as someone who would be with someone like her. 
Rachel: Oh please... school's hottest bitch sitting next to him. She's easy to get and I'm sure he doesn't want anything more than some kissing and sex. 
Becky: You're probably right, but you're always thinking the worst.
Rachel: And I'm mostly right. The world isn't unicorns and rainbows Becky.

Becky: I accept the bet. 
Rachel: What bet?
Becky: You said you bet they will be together by the end of the month. 
Rachel: Then the bet is on. 
Becky: They have a month. 
Rachel: The loser has to hook up with Brian.  
Becky: Why Brian?
Rachel: He's the biggest nerd in school. I think anyone who's with him would be pretty embarrassed. 
Becky: That's rude but ok. 
Rachel: Ok. 

We shook hands and went home. I was pretty sure about my win, but I'll probably find out tomorrow. If he's thinking about something like that, I will know. 

When I came home I was alone. My older brother Michael is coming home later. I went to my room and started doing my homework. As it usually goes, I started imagining pretty impossible things. My imagination never stops- something is always happening.

I started thinking of how funny would it be if I and that new guy are together. He's like, two times taller than me and my brother would probably freak out. I was pretty much laughing about the idea when my brother entered the room. 

Michael: Looks like you have a good time. 
Becky: I was just thinking about the concert I was on...
Michael: Glad you had fun. Come down I brought pizza. 

My brother comes home at about 6 p.m, which means I was thinking about the new guy all day... weird.

Becky: Pizza?
Michael: Yeah...

We usually don't eat fast food, but I guess he was in good mood. 

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