One life, one chance

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Rachel was in my house and I showed her the tattoo. 

Rachel: What have you done!? Are you crazy!? Why!?
Becky: I just felt like it...
Rachel: You felt like you have to get a tattoo!?
Becky: Be quiet. Michael nor my parents don't know. 
Rachel: You're crazy... 
Becky: It's not crazy...

Rachel: Becky. 

She looked pretty serious. 

Rachel: Dylan is changing you so much. You started drinking, you tried smoking and now you got a tattoo. Did it hurt?

She sounded like she was disappointed. 

Becky: It did, but I really like it. And Dylan isn't the one who made me do it, it was me. I did all those things. 
Rachel: I don't know what to say. I never imagined that you would do something like that. I'm just worried. If they made you do it all of these...
Becky: Who's they?
Rachel: Jackie, Dylan, and Khloe. You changed Becky.

Becky: Well, you changed too. 
Rachel: I didn't get drunk so badly so I couldn't walk. I didn't try smoking. I don't go to every single party they throw. And I didn't spend the night somewhere that I didn't know where it was. 
Becky: You and Nick...
Rachel: I knew you were gonna say that. But I wasn't drunk. I did a mistake, but I knew what am I doing. You often don't. I'm not telling you are a bad person, but you changed so much Becky. 

Then she took her bag and opened the doors. 

Becky: Where are you going?
Rachel: Home. I'm sorry, but I think you need some time to think about everything that's happening. The semester is over, so you can think about everything I said. 
Becky: Real friends don't abandon you when you make a mistake. 
Rachel: Real friends don't let others affect them so much. 

Then she left. Maybe she was right. I did change. And I wasn't sure if I liked the new one. I wish Michael was here so he can tell me what to do, but he and Susan were planning the wedding. I started crying. 

The next day I didn't talk with Rachel and I refused to tell Dylan what happened. At the lunch break, the two of us were together since Rachel was with Jackie. 

Dylan: Are you okay? You seemed distracted. 
Becky: I'm fine. 
Dylan: And where's Rachel?
Becky: With Jackie. 
Dylan: Something happened?

Becky: No. I wanted to ask you if you have any plans for this weekend.
Dylan: No. Why?
Becky: Maybe you could go to my place. My parents will be out of town. 
Dylan: Sure. 
Becky: Then see you on Friday after school?
Dylan: I can't wait. 

I kissed him and left. If only things with Rachel are so good as with Dylan. 

Friday. We walked to my house. We were in my room, watching a movie and talking. Then I decided I should tell him about the tattoo I've got. 

I looked at his right arm. The black-white lion was almost as big as his arm.

Becky: Why did you get a tattoo?
Dylan: It seemed cool then. Why?
Becky: So you regret it?
Dylan: Not really, why?
Becky: I have to tell you something. 

*If this is a breakup I will kill myself*

Becky: Just to warn you, it's not a breakup. You can't get rid of me just like that. 

*Thank God*

He smiled. 

Dylan: What is it?

I lifted my shirt and showed him the tattoo on my ribs,

"One life, one chance"

The words weren't that big, but I liked it.

Dylan: Why did you do that?
Becky: I don't know... I thought it's cool. 

He touched the tattoo with his fingers and I shivered. He smiled. 

Dylan: You're crazy. 
Becky: Thanks. 

I put my hand on his neck and kissed him. He pulled me closer and kissed me back. Then I pulled his shirt off. I had no idea what was I thinking. I just wanted him- more of him. I loved him. So I took my shirt off. He was looking at me with his dark-brown eyes. The feeling of his warm skin on mine was so perfect. And those slow kisses- I just wanted more. Then he started kissing my neck and I was shivering. This is the best feeling ever. 

Dylan: You sure you want this?

I just nodded. 

Waking up with someone you love is priceless. Dylan was still sleeping and I was looking at his messy hair. He's so sweet. And that body...

Dylan: Morning.
Becky: Morning.

He turned toward me and I lied down still looking at him. How did I even manage to get him for myself?

*What a crazy night. She's so perfect*

I smiled.

Becky: What?
Dylan: What?
Becky: Why are you looking at me like that?
Dylan: Nothing. You're just so amazing.

I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled.

Becky: Still not like you.

Silence. The moment was so perfect, I wanted to stay there with him forever. He kissed me.

Dylan: I love you, Becky.

My heart was pounding so hard. I was just inches away from him.

Becky: I love you too.

And we kissed again and again... After we ate breakfast Dylan left before everyone got back home. This night was perfect. I can't wait to tell... no one. Rachel is mad at me. I will tell no one. This was the biggest thing that ever happened to me and I didn't have a friend to share that with. 

As soon as Dylan left, I realized he was the only one I had. He's the only one who stayed by my side. Jackie left and now Rachel left. But nothing could really kill the mood I was in. This was the best night I ever had. 

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