The stuff

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Michael: So how was school?
Becky: Fine... the new guy came today. 
Micahel: Who?
Becky: I don't know... something like Dan, or Dale... maybe Dean.
Michael: You and your memory...
Becky: Shut up... like you're any better. 

Michael: I would remember if a new girl came into my class. 
Becky: Of course you would... you would fall in love immediately. 
Michael: I wouldn't!
Becky: Really? What about that girl Hannah from the store?
Michael: I wasn't in love... she was hot. And I was like... 13?
Becky: My point is proven. 

We laughed. 

Becky: Oh yeah, the guy that came into the class is the same one that bumped into me at the concert. 
Michael: What a coincidence...
Becky: Yeah... How was work?
Michael: It was okay. The old lady came again. 
Becky: Karen?

Michael: Yeah... she wanted the chips for free because she was emotionally hurt the last time. 
Becky: She was emotionally hurt because she spilled the gas all over the place?
Michael: Looks like...
Becky: What did you do?
Michael: Called the manager. And today I found out her real name. 
Becky: But we're still calling her Karen...
Michael: Of course. But her name is Adillyin. 
Becky: Unusual, but I like it. 

Then we heard the doors opening. I hugged my parents as they entered the kitchen. 

Rose: Hi. How was school?
Becky: Okay... Nothing new. 
Louis: And work?
Michael: It was fine, also nothing new. 
Becky: How was your day?
Rose: Exhausting. I had to send the same papers over and over to the same person because they are unable to use an email.

Louis: The worst part is that both of us were sending the same papers but that girl Sharon from the first floor wasn't getting them. 
Rose: I mean, I understand... it's the first day for you... but still. How stupid you have to be?
Michael: Wow... I would do a better job with that. 
Becky: Yeah right... you and technology are like our grandma and her new phone. 
Michael: Really funny. We left you some pizza on the table. 
Louis: Thank you, I'm starving. 
Rose: Me too. 

After some more chatting with my parents and Michael, I went to my room. When I got there, I had 7 missed calls from Rachel. I called her to see what was happening. 

Rachel: Hello?
Becky: What's going on? You called me like 10 times. 
Rachel: Oh, I wanted to ask you if you can go to the sports hall with me...
Becky: I thought someone is dying!
Rachel: Nobody is dying...
Becky: Shouldn't you study for the test tomorrow?

Rachel: What test?
Becky: Physics.
Rachel: Not really. Jackie is really into that stuff and I'm close to her so...
Becky: I hate you. I don't understand anything...
Rachel: You always say that and get an A at the end.  
Becky: That's not true!
Rachel: It is... I have to go, dad came home. See you tomorrow. 
Becky: Bye. 

Thank God Alan sits next to me. We're not really friends, but he likes physics so I hope he'll help me. 

The test passed. It was okay I guess. It seemed a little too easy, so I'm hoping to get a C. The day after that, I was sitting behind that new guy and I kinda heard what he was thinking about. Between *OMG this is so boring* and *I want to die* he was thinking how will stuff with Khloe go. I guess Rachel will win this one, but I don't want to be with Brian... Looks like I have to do something about this. 

The rest of the week was pretty boring. I was planning to give that new guy some more attention. I just hope he will stop to think about stuff with Khloe. 

The perfect opportunity was on Friday. Rachel and I were rolling in the sports hall. Since no one is using it on Friday evening, we were there a lot. While we were there, we heard someone opening the doors. It was that new guy. He just passed by us. Rachel looked at me with a question mark on her face. 

Becky: He's probably going into the gym. 
I whispered.

Rachel: Let's get out of here. 
Becky: Why?
Rachel: I don't want him to watch us. 
Becky: He'll just work out there. He won't even see us. 

He entered the gym. 

Becky: Told you. Where were we with...

Then he returned from the gym with a basketball ball. 

Rachel: I'm out. Bye...
Becky: Rachel. 
Rachel: I'm not going to talk about everything while he is here listening to us. 

Then his voice filled the hall, "I'm not listening to you."

Rachel: And I wasn't talking to you. Well...
Becky: Just stay...
"Yeah, stay."
Becky: Can you not be part of this?
"Not really. I would like to see one of you falling from those shoes with wheels on them."
Becky: Those are called roller skates jackass. And we don't fall.

Then he threw the ball that went through the basket. Rachel started going toward our stuff. We put our shoes on, ready to leave. 

Becky: Give me just a second. 
Rachel: Sure. 

She left and I started walking toward the guy. 

"If this is about changing seats it's not gonna happen."
Becky: Why?

*Because I don't care* he thought.

"Because that's not my problem."
Becky: You don't care. 

He looked at me for a second, probably a little confused.

"That too."
Becky: Great... Thanks for nothing. 
"You're welcome."

I was getting out of the hall when I did something stupid. I don't know why... I just yelled, 

Becky: And good luck with that stuff with Khloe!

While I was walking toward Rachel, the doors opened behind me. 

"What stuff with Khloe?"
Becky: Don't pretend like you're stupid. The whole school already knows... She's a gossiper.

I turned like I'm gonna leave, then he caught my arm. 

"She told you?"

I freed my arm and said, 

Becky: Maybe, but that's not my problem. 

Then I smiled and went to Rachel. He probably left in the hall after that. 

Rachel: What was that
Becky: Nothing...
Rachel: You know that if you hit on him the bet is canceled?
Becky: I didn't hit on him... Calm down. Me and him? Please...
Rachel: Better than you and Brian. 
Becky: If I had to choose... well yeah, probably him. What would you pick?
Rachel: Dylan, of course. I mean, look at him...
Becky. I don't see anything interesting. 

Rachel: Did you notice that he has a tattoo?
Becky: Really?
Rachel: Yeah.. look at him better on Monday.
Becky: Whatever... 

Rachel: I suppose you didn't notice his earring either...
Becky: He has an earring?
Rachel: Yeah!
Becky: Why do you know that?
Rachel: Everybody knows that... almost. 
Becky: I'm sorry I'm not staring at him the whole time. 
Rachel: It's forgiven. You will stare at Brian when I win this. 

She smiled. 

We'll see about that.  

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