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The week passed quickly. I skipped the coffee with Rachel and Jackie because I wanted to see Michael as soon as possible. I came home and did my homework. It was night already and even our parents came home. We were all waiting for Michael. Then, I heard the front doors opening. I ran toward it with a smile on my face.

Michael was looking at the floor, it looked like he'll start crying for a second. 

Rose: What happened?

Then he smiled and hugged me,

Michael: She said yes!

We were thrilled. 

Becky: Don't you ever scare us like that!

Michael: I knew you're gonna fall for that. 
Becky: Congrats!
Rose: Let's eat!

The dinner was perfect. Michael was talking about him and Susan, mom and dad had an amazing day at the job and school was okay too. Everything was going well for us. This weekend I stayed at home. No going out or seeing Jackie or Rachel. I was alone, reading my book. I liked the weekends that I can relax on. 

Monday. The worst day ever- we got our math tests back. And I failed miserably. An F. Damn it. I should try harder for at least D. 

Teacher: You can write the test again in a week. 

Jackie failed too and Rachel got a C. I was a little surprised when I heard Dylan got an A. I don't know why, I just never thought he was good at math. 

While the teacher was explaining the new material, I was half-sleeping. This was so boring. The class finished and Dylan was outside the classroom already. I was running to catch him. 

Becky: Dylan!
Dylan: What?
Becky: I know it's kind of nag, but can you stay after school to explain math to me?
Dylan: Okay. 
Becky: Meet you in a library?
Dylan: Sure. 
Becky: Thank you so much. 

He turned and left. 


I was thinking about how different he is when I'm talking to him and when I'm reading his thoughts. He's not so dark and "mysterious" he's more...

Rachel: Becky!
Becky: What?
Rachel: What...
Jackie: And then you tell me there's no sexual tension between them?
Rachel: Everything is sex for you...
Jackie: Telling someone who did it this weekend!

Rachel: Tell it louder, no one heard. 
Jackie: Want me to?
Becky: Are you done? What's wrong?
Rachel: I just wanted to ask what was that all about?
Becky: Nothing. 
Rachel: The two of you talked...
Jackie: Bet it's a date... anyway, I gotta go. See you around. 

Jackie left and Rachel rolled her eyes. 

Rachel: And?
Becky: Nothing... I just asked him if he can explain math to me. 
Rachel: So date it is. 
Becky: Date in the library?
Rachel: I thought you like books. 
Becky: I do, but common...
Rachel: However you say...

The day was over. I was waiting in front of the library with my math books. Dylan was coming down the stairs. 

Becky: Hi. 
Dylan: Hi. 

We just sat down at the table. It was just tutoring. He was explaining equations to me. I tried not to lost, but it was hard. I just need a D from the test. It was about 5 p.m. when we were "done". 

Dylan: Did you get like... anything?
Becky: Yeah, yeah... totally. 
Dylan: That means no. 

He put the books into the bag. 

Becky: It's not like straight no. It's just, I'm stupid...
Dylan: You're not stupid...
Becky: Is there any chance to repeat this tomorrow?
Dylan: Sure. 
Becky: Thanks. 

I turned and left. 

When I came home my phone rang. 

Rachel: And?
Becky: And what?
Rachel: How was with Dylan.
Becky: Great... I may get a D on the next test. 
Rachel: You know I'm not talking about the test. How was Dylan?
Becky: Same as always...
Rachel: Hot and smart?
Becky: Yeah right... Why did you call?
Rachel: I just wanted to know if something happened.
Becky: Rachel. We were at the school library. Nothing happened. 
Rachel: Okay, okay...

Becky: How are you and Nick?
Rachel: Well, he didn't really call or anything. We barely see each other.
Becky: I'm so sorry. 
Rachel: Think you were right. He used me. 
Becky: I'm so sorry Rachel. 
Rachel: Not a big deal. I never liked him anyway...

She was lying. He was her crush for a year now. 

Becky: Wanna come and talk?

For the next two hours, Rachel was crying. She was on the edge. After her mental breakdown and me trying to comfort her, she left. This made me depressed so much. How could he do that to her...

The next day, I was walking down the stairs to the library. Dylan was already there. 

Becky: Hi. 
Dylan: Hi. 
Becky: You're early today. 
Dylan: The teacher said we can go earlier.
Becky: Lucky you.

We sat down and the tutoring started. I was trying to follow so hard. But it was tuff when I had a tutor like that. Instead of numbers, I noticed that his eyes are dark brown with light brown mixed in the center. We were "done".

Becky: Well, this was... just like yesterday.
Dylan: Am I so bad?
Becky: No, no no, no. It's me, I'm... I'm me. 

What a stupid thing to say... I'm me. I'm so stupid. 

*Just ask her. Who cares what happens*

Dylan: Wanna go for pizza?
Becky: Yeah, I'm starving. 


On the way there, we talked about the usual, school and everything... It was so strange sitting and talking to him, alone. "Good thing" we weren't alone for long. 

While we were eating Jackie, Nick, and Will entered. They immediately came to our table. 

Jackie: Becky, what are you doing here a...

Then she realized I wasn't alone...

Jackie: Oh. Hi Dylan.
Dylan: Hi. 

Nick: Dylan and...
Becky: Becky.
Nick: Becky. Didn't think I would see you here.
Dylan: Have a problem?

Nick raised his hands like he's surrendering. 

Nick: No, no problem. 

Jackie: We're just gonna... Yeah...

Then they left. Dylan and I laughed. 

Becky: It's like they're 8 years old.
Dylan: 8? 2!

They sat down right opposite us. Jackie took the best place. 

*What the fuck are they doing here* thought Jackie. 

I think she's jealous, but I don't know why. It's not like she doesn't have a boyfriend. At first, I thought Jackie made everything complicated, but she didn't- this is just one pizza. I guess. 

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