Truth or dare

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The very next day, Dylan and I went to get some coffee after school. Rachel and Jackie asked me to go, but I refused and said I'm going with Dylan. Of course, they started laughing and teasing me. I didn't really mind. They are just jealous. 

Jackie's thoughts were killing me. She was so jealous whenever I mentioned him. She even thought about how does he want to hang out with such a loser. She was a fake friend, so I tried to avoid her as much as possible, but I couldn't tell her anything. Imagine me coming to her like, 

"Look, I can read your mind and I know everything you're thinking. So... I hate you."

It would freak her out and she would probably tell Rachel. Anyway, the two of them were a little surprised when I refused them, but it's just one coffee- and so it was. We went to the coffee shop and talked, that was it. 

I like him so much- 99% of my thoughts were about him and I couldn't help it!

Friday, Rachel and I were walking home. 

Rachel: So, how are things with Dylan?
Becky: It was one coffee. 
Rachel: And one pizza. And a few hours of "tutoring".
Becky: Can we change the subject?
Rachel: I don't think so... I wanna know what the two of you are. 
Becky: Friends. 
Rachel: Yeah right...

At that moment Jackie jumped in between us. 

Jackie: Hi guys! Wanna go to a party tonight?
Rachel: I don't know...
Becky: We'll be there. 
Jackie: See you at 10 at my house!

She left.

Becky: Why don't you wanna go?
Rachel: I don't know. I don't want to see Nick anymore. 
Becky: You're seeing him in school every day. 
Rachel: It's different. What if something happens again?
Becky: It won't because you're gonna be smarter and less drunk this time. 

Rachel: I don't know...
Becky: Please. I went with you the last time. 
Rachel: I guess... Okay, I'll go. 
Becky: Thank you! See you at eight. 
Rachel: Jackie said 10...
Becky: I have to tell you something before. 
Rachel: Tell me now. 
Becky: My house is here so... I'll tell you later. 
Rachel: Okay... bye. 

I entered the house and wrote the homework. 
It was 7 p.m. and I started picking out some clothes from the closet. I decided for black shorts and a redshirt. My hair was- as always loosened. Little makeup and black snickers like the last time and I was ready. It was 9 p.m. when Rachel showed in front of my house. 

She had a short black dress, black heels, and some makeup. 

Becky: Wow, you look great. 
Rachel: Thanks. Now you see why am I late. 
Becky: Yeah... Nick will be sorry. 
Rachel: I hope so. So, what do you have to tell me?
Becky: Oh, nothing. I lied so you would be here earlier. 
Rachel: Seriously!?
Becky: Yeah, come in so you can get those heels off. 
Rachel: At least something good...

We were talking till 10 p.m. Then we sat down in my car and drove to Jackie. The house was full of people. The music was loud and I was pretty sure some of them are already drunk. 

We entered the house and went straight to the table with drinks. After some dancing, Rachel and I got out of the house. It was so hot in there. Suddenly, Khloe walked up to us and joined us. She pulled the packet of cigarettes, 

Khloe: Want one?
Rachel: No...
Becky: Give me one. 

She just smiled and I lightened the cigarette. Rachel was looking at me strangely. I forgot to tell her what happened the last time. I don't know why, but I liked smoking- the way of smoke running through me, relaxed me. 

Khloe: Great party, right?
Rachel: Yeah, it's great. 
Khloe: Jackie invited you?
Becky: Yeah... you too?
Khloe: Yeah. 

*She's smart. Keep your friends close, but enemies even closer* 

Khloe: Enjoy. 

She had a vicious smile on her face. What was that thought suppose to mean?

Rachel: What are you doing!?
She was panicking a bit. 

Becky: Nothing. What?
Rachel: When did you start smoking!?
Becky: At Nick's party. But it's not like an addiction. 
Rachel: Not yet...
Becky: It will never be.
Rachel: Everyone says that. Why didn't you tell me?
Becky: I forgot. Common...

I threw the half-smoked cigarette.

Becky: Let's go dancing. 

While we were inside, I saw Nick, Will, and Dylan were there too. They were talking with Jackie, Khloe and some other girls. 

Becky: Did Nick see you!?
Rachel: I don't think so...
Becky: Let's go over there!
Rachel: Becky no! What's wrong with you!?
Becky: Nothing, I just thought...

Khloe: We're about to play truth and dare!

I looked at Rachel and we started walking toward the table everyone else was. Rachel was clearly upset. I think she regretted coming here. 

First were some people I didn't really know. They were taking turns with dares- most of them included drinking. 

Khloe: Becky! Drink. 

She gave me a glass of brownish liquid and I drank. Rachel was drinking too, but she didn't seem happy. After a few rounds, I was a little drunk already. Nothing interesting was happening- only drinking. Like it wasn't enough that we were drunk, Khloe gave a dare to Rachel,

Khloe: Made out with Nick. 

This must be so hard for her. She started walking toward Nick. She got close to him- just inches away from his face. And said,

Rachel: Never again. 

Then she left- what a queen. They started teasing Nick and Khloe had a smile on her face. After about 15 minutes, Khloe made trouble again. 

Khloe: Dylan... kiss Becky. 

It was short and simple- perfect for something to go wrong. Dylan was looking at Khloe with no expression on his face.

I wasn't sure what to expect- whatever happens, I probably won't remember it tomorrow. 

Dylan: No. 

He left. This was like a slap for me and I went to find Rachel. She was outside. 

Rachel: Can we go now?
Becky: He said no. 
Rachel: What?
Becky: I was right. There's nothing between me and Dylan. 
Rachel: What happened?
Becky: Khloe asked him to kiss me and he simply said no. 
Rachel: I'm so sorry.

She hugged me. 

Becky: I'm so sorry for taking you here. 
Rachel: I'm sorry we came too. 
Becky: Here's my keys. Go home. 
Rachel: And you?
Becky: I'll walk. I have to think about everything. 
Rachel: Walk? Becky...
Becky: Please, just leave me alone...

With that being said, I walked back into the house. I needed one more drink before I go. I took a can of beer and left the house. I was walking without a goal- just wandering around. I saw Rachel starting my car and leaving. Maybe I should go with her. 

As Rachel left, I saw a shadow moving in the distance. With nothing better to do, I left to see who it was. Maybe it's Khloe so I can kick her ass. 

To my surprise, it was Dylan. I saw him and turned around- not wanting him to see me.

Dylan: Becky.

I "didn't" hear him.

Dylan: Becky!

I turned. Tears were in my eyes but I started walking toward him. 

Dylan: Come with me. 
Becky: What?
Dylan: Just come with me. 

He gave me a black helmet and I sat down on his motorbike. Maybe Rachel was right- maybe he wants to kidnap me. 

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