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The days at school were longer and longer. I couldn't wait to come home and just do nothing. My grades started dropping, but I didn't mind. As long as Dylan and I are okay, everything is okay. 

Monday was the best day in a week because I was sitting behind Dylan for two hours. We were chatting, jocking, and laughing. Everything was okay until our teacher sent us to the principal. We were laughing about the trouble we were in. In front of the principal's office, I looked at Dylan and whispered,

Becky: What do you say about skipping this?

He was looking at me with confusion- probably because he knew I would never do something like this. 

Dylan: What do you mean?
Becky: I mean going to get some shakes. 
Dylan: What?
Becky: Please, I'm enough of school. Let's just... go. 
Dylan: I don't know if we should...
Becky: Why not?
Dylan: You can't just skip... okay, let's go. 

We were walking toward his motorbike. 

Becky: Why did you change your mind all of the sudden?
Dylan: Guess I just can't tell you no. 

I smiled and we left. We were in Starbucks about three blocks away from school. Suddenly, we saw Khloe and Jackie entering with their hands full of bags. 

Becky: Looks like someone was shopping. 

Dylan turned. 

Dylan: Yeah. We're not the only ones skipping school. 

I was somehow hoping they wouldn't notice us, but of course, they did. 

Jackie: Wow. Khloe, look who's here. 
Becky: Hi. 
Khloe: Becky and Dylan. 
Jackie: What are you two doing here?
Dylan: The same as you. 
Khloe: Shopping?
Dylan: Yeah. 

Khloe was looking at me while talking, 

Khloe: Hey Dylan, coming to Jackie's party on Friday?
Dylan: I'll think about it. 
Khloe: Sure you will. 
Jackie: Enjoy shopping. 

Then they left. 

Becky: What was that?
Dylan: Don't know, don't care. 

Later, he dropped me home. I was preparing to hear from my parents. 

Becky: So, will you go?
Dylan: Where?
Becky: Jackie's party. 
Dylan: I thought we could go together. 
Becky: They invited you. 
Dylan: They didn't say I can't have plus one. 

Then we kissed and he left. 

Rose: Becky!

My mom was yelling from the moment she got home. I came downstairs, waiting for the punishment. 

Becky: I know... I know, I can explain. 
Rose: I would like to hear that explanation.
Becky: Well, I'm just tired lately. 

My dad was entering the doors.

Louis: Becky! What the hell...
Rose: She's just giving me an explanation. 
Louis: I would like to hear that
Becky: I'm just so tired lately. I had to go home early. 
Rose: You left the first class! And the teacher said you should also see a principal. 

Becky: That... I was just talking to Rachel too loud. 
Rose: Talking and skipping. Becky... What happened to you? You used to be so good at school... and now you're skipping school, going out almost every weekend... Where did my little girl go?

She hugged me. 

Becky: I'm still here... It's just...
Rose: What?
Becky: Nothing. Forget it. 

I turned and went to my room. Skipping lunch and dinner probably made them suspicious, so at about 8 p.m. I heard knocking on my doors. 

Becky: Go away, mom. 
Michael: It's Michael. 
Becky: Go away, Michael. 

Micahel: Common Becky, what's up with you?

He entered. 

Becky: Nothing, I'm fine. 
Micahel: You didn't eat all day. And you skipped school. That's not like you. 
Becky: I'm just tired. 
Michael: Common, tell me what's happening. 

In a split second, I was actually thinking about telling Michael everything. He was the only person I can tell something right now- about me and Dylan and about Rachel. But I stopped myself. 

Becky: It's really nothing. 
Micahel: If you say so.

Then he left. I felt so guilty. Rachel is mad at me and that was the only thing that bothered me. It was like I was trapped somewhere, alone. Also, I couldn't believe it was my idea to skip school. When did I become like that?

Friday. Jackie's big party. 

Since I didn't want my parents to see Dylan, I drove there myself. I had a short black dress with black heels. Somehow, I felt like I should dress up a bit this time. 

You can imagine Jackie's and Khloe's surprise when I walked into the room with Dylan holding my hand. They were in complete shock and I liked it. 

I saw Rachel with Will in the corner- talking. Looked like I missed so much when I fought with Rachel. And seemed like she's doing great. There were two sofas one opposite to another with a table in the middle. On one side, Nick, Megan, and one more girl. 

Dylan took a drink and sat down next to Khloe. I wanted to sit next to Dylan when Jackie came. 

Jackie: Sorry, this spot is taken. 

She smiled. I hate her so much. I smiled and said, 

Becky: No problem. 

I took a drink and sat down on Dylan's lap. Jackie was furious and Dylan was smiling. Nick was laughing when Khloe gave him a death-stare, which made him shut up. Megan looked pretty angry, along with Jackie and Khloe. 

*That's my girl* Dylan thought. 

When I heard that, I didn't really care that Dylan was sitting between my worst enemies. Rachel sat down on the floor with Will- both taking and drink. Rachel and I greeted, but nothing more. It was sad to be so close to her, but so far at the same time. We used to be best friends, what happened to us?

It was about midnight when I got a little drunk. 

Khloe: Who's for truth or dare?

Everyone agreed- even me, although I hate that game. 

Becky: I'll go first. Jackie, truth, or dare?

Khloe and Jackie looked mad, but Dylan smiled. Rachel looked pretty surprised. 

Jackie: Truth.

Becky: Jackie, is it true that you're a whore?

I had no idea why did I say that. I still kinda regret that. 

Jackie: No. My turn. Becky, truth, or dare?

Becky: Truth. 

Jackie: Is it true that you're a slut?
Becky: Maybe. But you'll never know. 

She gave me a death-stare, but I couldn't care less. 

Khloe: I have one for you, Becky. 
Becky: Shoot. 

She got up and said, 

Khloe: Come here for a bit. 

I got up when Dylan pulled my wrist, 

Dylan: Becky...

I didn't wait for him to finish, I kissed him and looked at Jackie with a smile. Then I left. I was walking behind Khloe. 

Khloe: I see you're a little bit drunk. Come with me.
Becky: I'm fine.

Khloe: Just take a nap, here. 

She opened the door. I looked inside and then she pushed me in and locked the door. 
That bitch! The room was small and the light was weak. I was slightly panicking. I took my phone- no signal. Then I started hitting the doors and screaming, but no one seemed to hear me. 


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