The end

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The next thing I know is waking up. I saw a bright white light in front of me. Then I heard my parents.

Rose: Oh thank God, you're okay. 
Louis: Thank you, God. 

Micahel was yelling in the background. Then he came to me too. 

Becky: What happened?
Michael: You don't remember anything?
Becky: I just know it was bright and then dark...

I realized I was in the hospital, lying in bed with machines beeping all around me. 

The tall man walked into the room. He looked at the machines than at me. 

Doctor: You feel okay?
Becky: Yeah, I'm fine. 
Doctor: Everything looks good. We just need to do some more tests and you can go home tomorrow. 
Rose: Thank you so much. 

Becky: So, what happened?
Louis: You had an accident. 
Becky: Oh my God. Is the car okay?

My mum smiled, 

Rose: The car is okay. The car isn't the one in the hospital. 
Becky: I'm so sorry. I don't know how...
Louis: Looked like you crossed the red light. 
Becky: Oh my God. Is the other person okay?
Rose: It's some girl. She left home yesterday.

Becky: How long have I been unconscious? 
Rose: 2 days. 

Micahel was silent. Just looking at me, then machines. It wasn't strange, he's mostly quiet, but I couldn't hear what was he thinking. I didn't know what he wants to say... Silence. The silence was in my head. There were no unspoken thoughts. 

Rose: The important thing is that you're awake. We'll go home and leave you to have some rest. 
Becky: Thanks. 

They took their stuff and Micahel and dad left. My mom was looking at me. 

Rose: I'm so grateful you're okay. 

She kissed me and turned. 

Rose: Oh yeah, I almost forgot. There's someone who wants to see you.
Becky: Who?
Rose: Some Dylan. He's sleeping there. 

She pointed at the other corner of the room. He was on the floor with his hands on his knees. 

Becky: He's sleeping?
Rose: Yeah. He's here since Tuesday evening. And he didn't want to go away. The nurse told him that the visit time is over, but he didn't leave. And I haven't seen him eating or drinking. We offered him to sit down or something, but he said he's okay. 
Becky: What day is it!?
Rose: Thursday. 
Becky: Oh God...
Rose: Want me to wake him up?
Becky: Yeah, that would be great. 

She walked to Dylan. It was so strange to see the two of them in the same room. Dylan woke up and my mom left. Dad and Michael were waiting for her outside. 

As soon as they left, Dylan sat down next to me. 

Dylan: You're finally up, I thought I lost you. 

He held my hand. 

Becky: I'm fine. But I heard you've been here for too long. 
Dylan: I came as soon as I heard. I'm so glad you're fine. 
Becky: Yeah...

Silence. Literally silent- I couldn't hear what was he thinking about. 

Dylan: Becky, I'm so sorry. I thought I need time, but now I realized that I don't have time. That I need you right now. 

I smiled. It's funny how near death can bring something positive. 

Becky: So...
Dylan: So, even though you can hear everything I think, and despite the thing you know what am I thinking, I want to be with you even before I do.

A big stone of relief fell from my heart. I was so scared to hear what did he decide. But I couldn't hear better news than this. 

Dylan: I love you so much. 
Becky: I love you too. 

Rachel: Oh my God! Becky! 

Rachel entered the room and hugged me. 

Rachel: I thought you wouldn't wake up! I'm so happy!

She started crying. 

Becky: I'm fine. 
Rachel: You better be. We have a chemistry test for a week and I need someone to help me!

We laughed. 

Rachel: Oh, Dylan. I'm so sorry, I didn't even notice you. Anyway, I'll leave you two...

She was smiling.

Rachel: And you better come and tell me everything that happened. 
Becky: Sure. 
Rachel: Bye!

Becky: Sorry. She's crazy...
Dylan: Almost like you crazy.
Becky: Very funny. Do you maybe know who was the person I almost killed?
Dylan: No idea. I can ask around...
Becky: No need, my parents probably know. 

Silence. Complete silence.

Dylan: Suppose you're reading my thoughts right now...
Becky: Actually, I don't hear anything. I don't hear your's or Michael's or my parents' thoughts. 
Dylan: Maybe you needed a near-death experience.
Becky: Yeah, looks like I did.

Tomorrow morning, I got back home. Later that day, I found out that I almost killed Jackie. I went to her house just to apologize and see if she's okay. She was more than okay. I left after two minutes. Despite near death, she still hates me. I was feeling fine, so I went to school the next week. 

*5 years later*

Micahel married Susan and they live together. They're also expecting a baby, just a week or two. I told Micahel everything a few days ago. He was quite shocked, but I feel like it made our relationship even more strong. He's such an amazing brother. 

My mom lives alone- dad died two years ago from cancer. It was all of a sudden and we still can't believe that he's gone. I visit my mom as many times as I can, just like Micahel. 

Rachel has a baby. She got pregnant with Will a year after high school, so she couldn't go to college. Will is working and they moved to his parents. I don't see her much, but we still go out. I also babysit sometimes. 

 I haven't seen Jackie since high school finished. But Khloe is now a friend of mine, she's actually a good person. I guess Jackie affected her. 

I'm finishing my last year of college. And Dylan and I are still in contact. He's already working in Mcdonald's until he gets a better job. I can't wait to find a job and hopefully move in with him. 

My power of reading thoughts disappeared from the day I got into that accident. Seems like the accident is almost the best thing that ever happened to me. 


Hi guys, I really hope you enjoyed this story.

Unfortunately, I don't have any more stories that are ready to be published. All my old stories need to be worked on so I'm leaving Wattpad for a few months (maybe even the whole summer). School's year is coming to an end and I need some time off. Plus, I have some problems- I have to work that out too so I won't have much time to write anymore. 

I hope you're all doing okay and that you're happy. I can't wait to write again and when I do, I'll publish more stories.

Hope you understand me,
Enjoy your summer <3

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