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Rachel and I were sitting in a pizza place. We were silent because we both ate pizza like we ate nothing last few months. 

Becky: I just want to ask you one question. 

Rachel looked at me with her mouth full of pizza. How should I ask this...

Becky: Was it good?
Rachel: Oh, the pizza's great!
Becky: I don't mean about pizza Rachel...
Rachel: Oh.
Rachel: Oh...

I was looking at her. 

Rachel: You mean on...
Becky: Yeah!
Rachel: Just ask, what's wrong with you? We can talk about sex.
Becky: Just answer.
Rachel: Yeah, it was. 
Becky: Okay. 

We ate pizza and we were now drinking soda. Suddenly, the doors of the pizza place opened and a group of people poured in. Jackie came in with Tracy, Megan, and more of her friends.  

Jackie: Becky! Rachel!
Becky: Hi.
Jackie: How are you, girls?
Rachel: Great, you?
Jackie: Awesome! I can't wait to tell you what happened to me the last night. 
Rachel: Believe me, it can't be better than mine. 
Jackie: We'll see. Wanna join us?
Becky: No, we're just leaving. 
Jackie: See you tomorrow in school. 
Rachel: Bye. 

Jackie stormed to her friends and Rachel and I left the place. It was a nice day, so we decided to take a walk in the park. After an all-day walk, I finally came home. 

Becky: Hi!
Rose: Hi. 
Becky: Where's dad?
Rose: I honestly don't know. I haven't seen him the whole day. 
Becky: You literally work at the same company. 
Rose: I know, that's strange. 

At that moment, Michael stormed into the house. 

Michael: Guys, I have to tell you something... Where's dad?
Becky: We don't know. What happened?
Michael: You know Susan...
Rose: Yeah, she's so nice. Did something happen to her?
Michael: No, but it will. This Friday, I'll ask her to marry me. 

I hugged him. 

Becky: Wow! That's great news!
Rosa: Congratulations Michael!
Michael: Thanks. Do you think she'll say yes?
Becky: You've been dating for three years. And we all met her, I think you two will be great together. 
Michael: Thanks, it means a lot. 

Louis: Hi. Looks like I missed something. 
Michael: I'm gonna propose to Susan. 
Louis: That's great! I'm so happy for you. 
Michael: Thanks, dad. 
Louis: So, what's for dinner?

We ate dinner together- mostly talking about Michael planning to propose to Susan. I've never seen him happier. 

The next day, I mostly learned math for Monday, but I was so bad at it. After the test, Jackie, Rachel, and I went to eat pizza. 

Long story short, Jackie hooked up with Matt- one of her friends. After that, Rachel told her about Nick and Jackie couldn't believe it. Even she didn't have sex- ever. And she's the "wildest" of us. 

Jackie: You go, girl! Now we just have to find someone for Becky. 
Rachel: Not necessarily. 
Jackie: Oh my God! Does Becky have her eye on someone?
Becky: I don't have my eyes on anyone...
Rachel: There's some chemistry between her and Dylan. 

*Dylan? How did the two of them hook up?*  thought Jackie. 

That thought was strange, I hope she's not jealous. 

Becky: Nothing happened, I just...
Rachel: He was staring at her and they were in the same closet. 

At that moment, we heard laughing from the doors. Nick, Will, and Dylan entered. Will was ordering while Nick was talking with Dylan. I was looking at them. Suddenly, Dylan raised his head and spotted us. Damn it. 

I looked at Jackie, but she was looking at them. Then I turned to Rachel, but she was staring at Nick. I looked toward them again- Dylan was still staring. I was looking him straight into the eyes. 

*Gosh she's hot* he was thinking. 

It was so strange to hear that- I mean, to know he's thinking about that. I swear I blushed, but they sat down at the table, so our eye contact broke. Maybe Rachel is right. Who wouldn't want to date him- look at him. Tall, with his messy black hair and dark eyes...

Rachel: Becky!
Becky: What?
Rachel: You're so not obvious...
Jackie: You're blushing Becky!
Becky: Can you say it louder?

Jackie started yelling,

Jackie: You're...
Becky: Okay, okay. Shut up. 

The guys looked at us. I was staring at the table. 

Jackie: You were right. There is something between the two of them.
Becky: There's nothing between...
Rachel: I told you. 
Becky: Girls...
Jackie: But that stare was creepy.
Rachel: They were staring again?
Jackie: Yeah! But you were too busy staring into Nick. 
Rachel: No I wasn't!
Jackie: Anyway... I think Dylan wants to fuck you. 

I almost choked with the pizza I was eating. Rachel was laughing so hard. 

Becky: What!?
Jackie: I think...
Becky: You don't have to tell it twice, I get it. And you got that accurate conclusion by looking at us staring at each other. 
Jackie: Yes. 

Becky: Can I know why do you think that?
Jackie: Guys are weird. When they like you, they do nothing about it. 
Becky: Wow... that was helpful. 
Jackie: Thanks, I'm trying. 
Rachel: But that's not the only option. Maybe he wants to kidnap her. 
Jackie: That would be a possibility if there wasn't sexual tension between them. 

I almost choked again. 

Jackie: You have to stop eating while I'm talking, girl. 
Becky: I sure do. Can I know why do you think that?
Jackie: It's so obvious. 
Becky: If it's so obvious why I don't see it?
Jackie: Okay. Now, I'll be serious for a moment. 
Becky: You weren't serious before? Thank God. 
Jackie: I was, but this is now like... serious, serious. 
Rachel: Okay. 

Jackie: How many guys did you kiss?
Becky: What?
Jackie: Just answer. 
Rachel: Three. 
Becky: One. 
Jackie: How many of them did actually love you?
Rachel: One. I was with him for a year. 
Becky: Zero. I don't see a point in this. 

Jackie: The point is, if the guy likes you, he will stare at you when he wants to kiss you. 
Rachel: That's true. Anthony always looked at me like that. 
Jackie: Get it? 
Becky: I don't know...
Jackie: And, since guys are dirty-minded bastards, he was probably thinking about it. 
Becky: About kissing me?
Jackie: Kissing you, cuddling with you, everything that comes after it...
Becky: You are crazy. 

Jackie: I'm serious. 
Rachel: She's right. But I don't see the two of you together. 
Becky: You just said...
Jackie: We said he wants to fuck you. We didn't say you should do that. 
Becky: So, I don't have your permission to be with him. 
Jackie: No. 
Rachel: Not a chance. 
Becky: And why's that?
Jackie: He's a playboy. He'll use you and leave you. And you can't stand that, so you will be hurt. 
Rachel: And I don't want to collect the pieces of your broken heart. 

Nick didn't even come to say hi to Rachel. We'll see who will have a broken heart. 

In his mindOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant