Bad decisions

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Friday. I was looking for an outfit for the party. I was so excited! This is the first like... real party that I'm going to. Thank God Rachel made friends with Nick and his company.

Nick is going to the same classes as we do. Rachel had a crush on him for a long time- and finally, they were friends. She's hoping to get closer to him, but I'm going just for fun.

I was waiting for Rachel in her room. She was still in her towel and it was about 8 p.m.

Becky: Hurry up! We have to go!
Rachel: Just five more minutes.

9 p.m.

Rachel: I just have to put my makeup on...

9:30 and we were walking toward Nick's house. Rachel had a wide, red dress and red heels. Her hair was in the bun and her face was full of makeup. I had short, black jeans and a dark-blue shirt with my shoulders opened. My long hair was loosened. Since I don't have the slightest wish to walk in heels, I had black sneakers.

The house was big and crowded. Looked like everyone was already there. Of course, everyone was there- Rachel took an eternity to get ready. Most of them were already drunk.

Rachel: Hi!
Nick: So glad you made it.

The two of them hugged and Nick left, so Rachel and I took drinks and sat down on the empty sofas. At the table in front of us were drinks and Rachel pretty much tried all of them.

It was after midnight when Dylan showed up along with his friend Keith. Rachel went to the bathroom and I was alone with Nick, Dylan, and their friends.

Nick: You're Rachel's friend?
Becky: Yeah... Becky.
Nick: Nick. I can say Rachel has great taste in friends.
Becky: Sure she does.

I'm not sure why I told him that- he was Rachel's crush. Dylan said something to him and they continued to talk.

Rachel finally came back and we were talking. Out of nowhere, Jackie came with her friends and Khloe was with her. Khloe immediately sat down next to the guys. Her short skirt and shirt were ridiculous.

Jackie: Hi girls!

She was obviously drunk.

Becky: Hi! Didn't know you will be here.
Jackie: We were a little bored... so what's up!?

She was lying on me and Rachel.

Rachel: Nothing!
Jackie: Well! Let's spice this up!

She got up and yelled,

Jackie: Who's for the round of "truth and dare"!?
Nick: Sure.
Dylan: Okay.

Long story short, Rachel, Jackie, Nick, Dylan, Khloe, Keith, Tracy, Megan, and I were playing "truth or dare"

Jackie: Okay. Keith, go over there and drink something for the first time in your life.
Keith: You know I don't drink...
Jackie: Drink!
Nick, Dylan: Drink, drink!

Keith left and started drinking.

*What am I doing* he was thinking.

Keith: Alright... Khloe, kiss Will.
Will: Dude!
Keith: What... I'm sure you're not over her yet.

She kissed him. What did I get myself into...

Khloe: Okay, okay. I have a good one. Becky, you and D...
"Will is in the house!"

A tall guy entered the room with a few bottles in his hands. Everyone got up and went to him. Everyone except me... and Dylan. He was staring straight into my eyes and I was staring back.

*God damn it Will*

After a few seconds, he got up and went to Will. Khloe was looking at me from there.

Khloe: Becky! Come here and drink with us!

I got up and started drinking the sour liquid Will brought. I have no idea what time it was, but Rachel disappeared- and Nick was gone too. It was good, I think. But I stayed alone with Dylan, Jackie, and their friends. We were outside the house and everyone was smoking- except me and Keith.

Khloe: Common Keith, just one cigarette.
Keith: No way...
Khloe: Just one smoke! Who doesn't smoke today...

He looked at me and I looked away. I don't want to be pulled into that with him.

Jackie: Keith, Keith!

I was looking at Dylan- he said nothing. Khloe and Will were the main ones to persuade him. In the end, Keith tried it- he took a cigarette.

Will: Yeah! My man! Who else doesn't have one!

At that moment I realized it was best if I turn around and leave. I started turning when I heard it...

Will: Becky!
Khloe: Yeah!
Becky: I really shouldn't.
Will: Common! Just one smoke...

Dylan was looking straight into me.

*Please don't* he was thinking.

Khloe: Are you scared?

I took a cigarette from Khloe and lighten it. Since I saw my brother doing it a thousand times, I looked like I knew what I was doing. After one smoke I pulled another one, then another. Everyone started cheering like this was something good. I started laughing and talking with them more. Dylan was the only one that was in silence.

Suddenly, we heard the siren- police.

Will: Crap!

I turned to Jackie, but she was gone.

I went inside and did what everyone else did. They started hiding- like they won't know we're here. I thought it was stupid, but I went upstairs and opened the closet. It was small- I barely fit in it.

After a few seconds, I heard the steps. Damn, I can't go to jail for a night. My parents would kill me. At that moment, the closet doors opened. I thought it was the police and I was ready to go out. In a split second, I heard,


It was Dylan.

Becky: Where should I move!?
Dylan: Crap...

He closed the doors and we were now standing a few inches from each other. I don't even know how we fit in there, but it was uncomfortable- that's sure. He was so close- I could feel his breath on me. And we were pressed against each other and that wasn't helping me. In that hell uncomfortable moment, my heart started pounding. I have no idea if he heard it, but I did.

*Should I ask her something?*
*This looks bad.*
*I should leave.*
*I can't let the police find me.*
*This was a mistake.*
*I should talk to her. Yeah, what? Is it okay to be in the tight closet with a person you barely saw twice? Yeah, a great conversation starter. I should use that sometimes.*

I couldn't hold the smile. He was actually funny- in his mind.

Dylan: What's so funny?
Becky: Nothing.

*God she's weird.*
*Imagine someone reading your mind...*

Well, I'm doing that right now...

Then, I heard footsteps. In a second, the doors opened and we saw a policeman with a flashlight.

Policeman: Hello lovebirds...

I looked at Dylan...

Becky: So, who's getting you out of the jail?

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