The truth

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With nothing else to do, I took my heel and broke a little window on the wall. After about ten minutes, I managed to get out. 

I put my heel back on and started walking toward the entrance. When I entered, I saw Dylan and Jackie kissing. I felt so sick at the time, so I left. 

I was in front of my car- tears started coming. I opened the doors and sat down. Suddenly, I saw Rachel coming toward the car. I thought she's with Will, but she was alone. 

Rachel: Becky, wait!

I got out. 

Becky: What...

Words were heavy, hardly coming from my throat. 

Rachel: Are you okay?
Becky: Do I look okay?
Rachel: I saw you seeing Jackie and Dylan... It's not Dylan's fault. Jackie pushed herself on him and kissed him. 

It wasn't surprising, but I wasn't sure if Rachel was telling the truth. I mean, we haven't been in the best relationship- why would she say something like that?

Rachel: It's just... Honestly, I hate this. I hate not talking to you, I hate not seeing you, I hate spending time with Khloe and Jackie. I hate everything. I just want my best friend back. 

I hugged her. 

Becky: I'm so sorry about everything that happened. 
Rachel: I'm sorry I was mad... I shouldn't say anything. 
Becky: We're good?
Rachel: Yeah... I have to go back in.

She turned.

Becky: Rachel?
Rachel: Yeah?
Becky: Did Jackie really do that?
Rachel: Yeah...

I wasn't surprised, but she used to be my friend. Mostly, I was surprised I didn't know about it, I mean, I can read people's thoughts. I don't know if they didn't plan it, or what...

While I was coming back into the house, I heard yelling.

Jackie: What the fuck Dylan! It's not my fault...

Dylan stopped inches away from her face. 

Dylan: It is your fault!
Becky: What's happening?

He turned to me and said, 

Dylan: We're leaving. 

I looked at Jackie's angry face and smiled a bit. Despite everything, I trust Rachel and I certainly trust Dylan. 

We were driving in the car in silence. He looked like he exactly knows what is he doing, without any doubt. But his thoughts were different. 

*Should I say something? Should she know? Hope she didn't see anything. Stupid Jackie, hope this will backfire on her. What did I do? I'm so stupid. Literally, I have everything I need and I almost blew it just like that...*

I felt guilty because I could hear everything he was thinking about. 

Becky: Where are we going?
Dylan: Should we go somewhere in particular?
Becky: I thought if your house still didn't sell...

He smiled and started driving there. 

*She's such a freak... probably always so sure about everything. Especially about the words. I wonder how it is to say the right thing at the right time...*

I kinda turned off then. Remorse was killing me from the inside. If only I can't read people's thoughts. 

We were parked in front of his old house. Somehow, we started walking through the park. The night was wonderful. The moon was barely visible, but the stars looked perfect. 

Dylan: What did Khloe want from you?
Becky: She locked me in a small room underneath the stairs. 
Dylan: Really!?

Becky: Yeah. Luckily, there is a... well, there was a window. 
Dylan: You broke a window?
Becky: Yeah...
Dylan: You know that she'll want you to pay?
Becky: There were at least a hundred people at the party. She can't know it's me. And if she will ask for me to pay, I'll just tell she locked me there.
Dylan: But Khloe locked you. 

Becky: You really think Khloe will sacrifice?
Dylan: I suppose not.
Becky: How will you even live with Khloe after what she has done?
Dylan: How did I live with her until now?
Becky: True.
Dylan: After I finish high school, I'll probably find an apartment somewhere. 

Becky: Pretty big step. 
Dylan: Everything is better than living with Khloe. 
Becky: I suppose so...

After that, we went to his old house. 

Becky: It's odd that the house still didn't sell. 
Dylan: Yeah, I don't know why, but I suppose my mom didn't really try. I mean, we have a lot of memories from here. 
Becky: I don't know if I could move from my house. 
Dylan: It was hard, but I had to. 

Since Dylan didn't pack all of his things, I took one of his shirts. It looked like a dress, but anything is better than that tight black dress. After a movie, we weren't really tired, so we were talking. 

At one moment, Dylan pulled my shirt up and started looking at my tattoo. I could feel his cold skin against mine.

Dylan: I still kinda don't believe you actually did this. 
Becky: Neither am I. 

He was lying down with his head on my waist. I had my hand in his hair. It was silent and the moment was so... complete. Like I didn't need anything at that moment like everything is so perfect. 

*What did I do to deserve this*

Becky: I love you, Dylan.

He smiled and kissed my stomach. 

Dylan: I love you too. 

Despite the feeling, something was still wrong. It felt so unfair that I know everything about him, everything that he's thinking. Comparing to that, he knows nothing about me. He can't read my thoughts and hear how much I love him, but I know everything he's thinking about. Everything. It seemed so wrong. 

Becky: Dylan, we have to talk about something. 

It really just slipped from me, I didn't want to bring that up then and there

He smiled,

Dylan: What?
Becky: It's serious. 

He was now sitting opposite of me- looking pretty concerned. 

Why did I say anything!? I should have been quiet. That wasn't the right moment. Right now, I can think of like 100 more appropriate moments. And neither of them was that one. 

Becky: It's kinda complicated...


Dylan: What? Did I do something?
Becky: No, no. It's actually me...
Dylan: Are you pregnant?
Becky: What? No. No. It's not that. 

Unfortunately, it's much worse. Telling him I was pregnant would be much easier.

Becky: I don't know how to tell you this...
Dylan: Try words?
Becky: Funny...

I took a deep breath. 

Becky: I can read your mind.

In his mindOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz