Getting out

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After I used my phone call, I went back to the cold, small cell. Dylan, Will, and some more people caught at the party were in there. I was silent. Will was sitting on the bed and Dylan had his head in his hands. He was sitting on the cold, wet floor with his back against the wall. I was standing with my back against the wall- thinking why did I need this.

After a few minutes, Michael came. 

Michael: I came to pick up Becky. 
Policeman: You're her father?
Michael: Yes. 
Policeman: Can I get the ID card?
Michael: I left it at home. I forgot. 
Policeman: Okay...

He opened the cell. 

*Wish I had that kind of dad*  thought Dylan. 

Becky: He's with us too. 

I showed at Dylan. 

Policeman: Then get up and go. 

He got up and the three of us went out. 

Michael: I don't even want to know who you are...
Said Michael, looking at Dylan. 
Michael: And I'm waiting for you in the car. 

He left. 

Dylan: Why?
Becky: I don't know. 

I turned and started walking toward the car. Michael was there, waiting for me. 

Michael: Hope you have a good explanation. 
Becky: Not really. I'm so...
Michael: Did you smoke?

I didn't answer. 

Michael: I can't wait for you to tell me everything...
Becky: Do I really have to?
Michael: Wanna go home to our parents?
Becky: They are asleep...
Michael: 6 a.m. They are up. 
Becky: Okay...

As usual, I told him everything- almost everything. I said I drank a little and tried smoking, and the police found me in the house. I skipped the part with Dylan staring into me and squeezing in the same closet. 

Michael: I can't believe this...
Becky: It won't happen again. I promise. 
Michael: And that guy?
Becky: A friend of mine. 
Michael: Our parents would kill you. 
Becky: I know, that's why I called you
Michael: Please don't get this turn into a habit. 
Becky: I won't. I promise. 

We arrived home. Our parents left to work and I was in my room. I had to think about everything that happened. And get some sleep- the math exam is on Monday. 

The ringtone of my phone woke me up. I felt like I wasn't sleeping at all. My head hurt and I was hungry. It was 2 p.m- Rachel was calling. 

Becky: Hello?
Rachel: Where are you?
Becky: At home, where would I be?
Rachel: Wanna come over? We have to talk about the last night. 
Becky: You come here. I can't move right now. 
Rachel: Be there in a minute. 

Literally a minute- I looked myself in the mirror. I was still in my yesterday clothes and my hair was a mess. Rachel knocked. 

Becky: Hi. 
Rachel: Wow, you look awful. 
Becky: Thanks. You know where my room is. 

I took some salad from the fridge and started walking behind Rachel. 

Rachel: Okay, first. What happened to you?
Becky: You talk first. I will try not to die right now. 
Rachel: Okay...

I was trying to brush my hair while I was eating the salad. I felt so stupid and Rachel was full of life- I can't wait to hear what happened. 

Rachel: At first, I was with you- if you remember that. 
Becky: I remember everything. 
Rachel: If you say so. Anyway, Nick and I were talking all night. And at first, we were with everyone else. Then, we kinda got away from everyone. We were alone and we drank a little. And he was so hot and I was so drunk...
Becky: Oh my God! Did you actually do it?

She just nodded. 

Becky: Wow. I don't know what to say...
Rachel: I'm so happy!
Becky: And you two are dating now?
Rachel: Well, we didn't discuss it, but yeah. 

Becky: Are you sure about that?
Rachel: Well, yeah. I mean... if you didn't understand we had...
Becky: I know, I know. But what if he sees you as one nightstand?
Rachel: He wouldn't do that. He's nice. 
Becky: If you say so...
Rachel: Enough about me. What the hell happened to you?

Becky: Well, remember when we played truth and dare?
Rachel: Yeah.
Becky: Khloe wanted to dare me, but thank God Will showed up and the game stopped. I just heard she wanted me and Dylan to do something...

I looked at Rachel. She looked so happy and I could only think that Nick used her. 

Becky: Anyway, Dylan gave me a weird stare two times. 
Rachel: Okay, that doesn't sound creepy at all. 
Becky: Not like that... I think. After that, the police came. By the way, where were you?
Rachel: Nick and I literally disappeared. After what we did, we just left the party. 
Becky: And what were you doing?
Rachel: Nothing. I went home. 

Becky: Well, while you were at home I was hiding in the closet. 
Rachel: The police found you. You have to run, not hide. 
Becky: I get that now. Anyway, Dylan was in the closet with me. 
Rachel: You two hook up?
Becky: No. No. We didn't even talk. It was weird and I don't know what to think about everything. 
Rachel: What did your parents say?
Becky: They don't know. Michael drove me home. 

My hair was pretty much okay by this time.

Becky: And I pulled Dylan out of jail by saying that he's my brother. 
Rachel: Wow. That's weird...
Becky: I know! I don't know what to do. 
Rachel: And what do you want to do?
Becky: Nothing. 
Rachel: Then do nothing. 
Becky: Thanks for the advice. 

Rachel: Look, everything you told me sounds shady. You have two options. Dylan wants to sex with you or he wants to kidnap you. 
Becky: Rachel!
Rachel: What? I mean, staring at someone can mean more things. 
Becky: Well, I don't want either of that. 
Rachel: You're such a liar. Who doesn't want anything with Dylan?
Becky: Me. 
Rachel: You're a weirdo sweetie. Now, let's go out and eat something. 
Becky: I just ate the salad. 
Rachel: I meant pizza. Not that green leaves. 
Becky: Thanks, but I'll stay here and take a shower. 
Rachel: Yes, you will take the shower, but after that- pizza!

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