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The next day, I was calling Rachel to see if she wants to meet. She didn't answer my calls. I was just hoping she didn't see me. 

After 8 calls, I walked to her house. She opened the doors. 

Becky: Hi. What's up?
Rachel: I'll tell you what's up. My best friend lied to me... wanna talk about that
Becky: Rachel...
Rachel: What? Tell me. What was so important that you couldn't meet me yesterday? If you want to get away from me, okay...
Becky: I'm not trying to get away...
Rachel: If you have a boyfriend, just tell me. What was so important that you lied to me!?

Rachel was really hurt. She was thinking everything she was saying- she was that kind of a person. 

Becky: I...

Silence. I had no excuse. 

Rachel: Oh my God. You were with Dylan! You hook up with him so you can win the bet!
Becky: No, no. I wasn't with him... I was just watching his game.
Rachel: I didn't expect this from you.

She slammed the doors in my face. That was what I deserved. 

When I came home, I locked in my room. Why am I so stupid!? I lost a friend just because of a bet. Just because I don't want to be with Brian... he's not so bad. What is wrong with me!?

After a few hours, somebody knocked on the doors. 

Becky: I'm busy. 
Michael: Come one, it's me. 

I opened the doors. 

Michael: What's going on?

I put my head in my hands, not sure where to even start. 

Becky: It's so stupid and... unnecessary. 
Michael: We have time. 

I told him everything. I always tell him everything. If someone will know what to do... it was him. 

Michael: Wow. You screwed up big this time.
Becky: You think?
Michael: Yeah.
Becky: What should I do?
Michael: Well, get over your pride, lose the bet, and make peace with Rachel.
Becky: It's so easy to say...
Michael: And to do. Don't tell me the bet is more important than your best friend. 

Becky: It isn't...
Michael: Then go to her and tell her that. 
Becky: I'll tell her tomorrow. 
Michael: Becky.
Becky: Okay I'll call her.
Michael: Becky. 
Becky: Okay, I'll go to see her...
Michael: Good. But first, come down to eat something. 

After we ate, I went to my room. I just couldn't go to Rachel. I couldn't see her. I couldn't lose. I never lose... I couldn't be with Brian. 

Monday passed. Tuesday passed. Rachel and I haven't talked at all. On Wednesday, Jackie called me to the cafe near the school. I thought it was weird- she was hanging with Rachel more than with me. When I came there, Rachel and Jackie were sitting at the table. I started turning around. 

Jackie: Becky. Come here right now. 

I walked toward the table. 

Jackie: Rachel told me what happened. That was really crapy of you Becky...
Becky: I...
Jackie: I'm not done. But it's also stupid you two are fighting because of the bet. You two need each other. You are friends since you were kids and you're not gonna split up now. Not on my watch. Now, forgive each other, or I will make you do it. Did I made myself clear!?

Rachel and I laughed. She sounded like a general. 

Jackie: That's better. Now get this done. I forgot some books in the locker. 

She turned as she'll leave, then she turned back.

Jackie: Oh, and Becky. This is on you. I kinda told Rachel you will pay so... Okay bye!

*She's so funny* thought Rachel. And I couldn't agree more. 

Becky: Well, I'm sorry because of everything. I'm not sure why did I even do that. It was stupid. 
Rachel: It was. But it was stupid that I got mad too, so... we're on the same. 
Becky: It's so good to have you back. 
Rachel: You too. I need someone to go to a party with me since Jackie has plans. 
Becky: A party?
Rachel: Yeah. Nick from our school invited everyone. 

Becky: I can't wait! When?
Rachel: Friday evening. I can't wait either.
Becky: So... about the bet...
Rachel: I don't think we should ever bring that up again. 
Becky: So, I don't have to...
Rachel: No. You don't have to be with Brian. Even if you lost I would probably make you do something else. That was pretty bitchy. 
Becky: Yeah... Thank God we have Jackie. 

Rachel: So what were you doing with Dylan anyway?
Becky: Literally nothing. I watched the whole game. He didn't look at Khloe once. 
Rachel: Wow... big information. 
Becky: Yeah... It was useless. Except, well. Dylan noticed me at the end...
Rachel: And!?
Becky: Nothing. We were staring at each other for a few seconds. 
Rachel: I expected more... but okay. That was weird, I guess. 

Becky: It was. I just left after that. 
Rachel: You should ask why is he staring. 
Becky: We weren't alone. The whole team and some of the viewers were still there. 
Rachel: Still...
Becky: Why did you come home from Jackie's house that Friday?
Rachel: I forgot to take the speaker and we wanted to party a bit. 
Becky: I can't believe it... I probably ruined it all. 
Rachel: Not really. We still partied. She didn't see you so...
Becky: I'm sure you were partying with your heart split in half. 
Rachel: Yeah... not really. Two shots fixed my heart. 

We laughed. I'm so glad everything is okay again. It's good to have Rachel back. And she's thinking the same about me, trust me. 

In his mindحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن