Love her voice (Fred & George) X (Reader)

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Ok so hi....again, lmao anyway pretend that they have a piano at the library in Hogwarts, I don't really know if ppl will read this one-shot but imma finish this book anyways. And again I'm so so sorry for spelling Weasley wrong😭


'I can't sleep' you thought to yourself while laying on your bed at night beside Hermione, it was an exhausting day you turn yourself to the side to see if Hermione is still awake, but she's already asleep "well then damn... the heck am I gonna do now tho?". you whispered to yourself, then the thought came across to you're dumb head "well I feel like singing today... imma just go to the library and play the piano" you said to yourself while smiling about the idea. You swing your legs out of the bed, you started fixing you're H/C H/L. You love singing, but you're not really showing it to people because you're too shy to do it.

I walked out of the girl's dorm carefully and quietly, but all of a sudden while I was walking through the hallway I saw something at the corner of my eye. I quickly ran to the library, trying to not get caught by someone. I arrived at the library and ran to the piano that I love playing, I sat down on the chair and placed my hands on the piano, and start playing and singing.

( The song that you were singing is Fly me to the moon by Count Basie, you can play this if you want to:) )

"Fly Me to the moon and lemme play among the starssss
lemme see what spring is like on Jupiter and marss" you kept singing.

Fred's Pov

"in other words hold my hands-"  'who's that? someone is singing..... it's so beautiful I thought to myself while walking with my brother George in the hallway at night because we can't sleep yet. "Hey, you hear that?"  George asked and stop walking "it's beautiful... and sounds so familiar" he finished, "yes George I heard it too, but who could it be? it's nearly 12 am" "in other wordssss darling kiss meee" I heard it again. "Let's go found out who that was!" said George with excitement on his face I nodded, we ran through the hallways while the beautiful voice was getting closer and louder, we ended up at the library. We saw......y/n? George saw her too his blushing, we both like her since the first year, "wow... I knew it!" George said.


"Wow...I knew it!" some familiar voice said, I stopped singing and turn around..... Did I saw Fred and George?
i blushed " woah woah guys..... i- uh-um w-what are you doing h-here?" i stuttered, i like the both of them since first year but i won't admit it because i don't want to ruin the relationship that we have.... they were my bff's here for 5 years "Can we ask you the same thing y/n?" fred asked while him and george are walking towards me "that was beautiful y/n.. wow" said george while sitting down on the chair with his brother "w-wait y-you heard t-that?!" i asked them worried which make them chuckled, "yes, yes we did" they said by sync "well what are you doing here? it's already 12am" fred asked with a concerned face "well i can't sleep so i came here because it's so boring" i said "ohh same" george said " hey uhhh um y/n?" fred said with a worried face "yes?" i asked he looked at his brother and nodded, he turned his head back to me and same to george who was staring at me too "we like you" they said in sync "were not joking y/n, we like you more than friends" said george while grabbing my hand and kissing it, my face turned red, "i- i like you too guys" i said, there face lighten up like a bulb with a smile, fred put me in his lap and started kissing my lips and next my neck, george was kissing my lips too "already  marking you're territory huh?" i said breaking the kiss while fred stopped kissing my neck leaving some marks "yes" they said " i love you" "we love you too" they said in sync again.

So y'all are in the fifth year here so we're good:) thank you for reading this! you can request anything you want here just pm me ty! (sorry if it's too short again I'm kinda tired today) I already decided that I'm gonna make one chapter every day y'all thank you for choosing this story again! it means a lot to me:)

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