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It was a bright sunny morning when I heard the birds chirping, I opened the window and a sparrow flew towards me, I adored her tiny little body when she suddenly spoke, "How do you plan on getting hired honey, there will be girls prettier and will have better hair than that old frizzy broom on your head," "What?" I exclaimed as I woke up to the sound broken piece of vase that I accidentally knocked over in shock. What a start to this day! I looked reached over to check my phone to make sure I did not oversleep as I was supposed to wake up at 8, oh please let it be 5 in the morning I am sleepy, it was 7:59?????? Really? One minute? That was all I was going to get? I got up and looked in the mirror and my hair looked like it was electrocuted or something. I put on my glasses to get clear vision and just when I thought my face couldn't possibly get worse with my moustache and joint eyebrows, I had one...two...three new pimples on my forehead, great!

I got dressed into my interview clothing and all I wanted to do was blow them away then I remembered what the bird said to me and I thought maybe I'll just try to get hired. I had some chai and head out the door, I didn't have time for breakfast.

Walking outside I realized how humid it was and humidity was not good for my electrocuted hair, while thinking about all this humidity, my bus- it OH GOD NO, "STTOPPP!" I yelled and I ran towards the moving bus but I couldn't catch it unfortunately, my new shoes were covered in dog poop, I smelled like dog poop, I looked like dog poop. Taxi it is I thought to myself. I am already broke, taxis these days are so expensive, I cried in the taxi for a while.

I had finally reached, I sighed and took a deep breath with confidence of course, I walked through the door and I saw a bunch of girls gushing and giggling and smiling, what kind of a job is this exactly? I thought I was supposed to be a secretary for the boy group BTS, I have heard a few of their songs, they are pretty good.

I sat down on the couch and girls there were glaring at me in disgust, the girl beside me really whipped out a mask and wore it, then so did the others, they kept laughing at me. But I am here for the money, I thought to myself. That's when a tall really lean guy snapped his fingers to get our attention, we all turned towards him.

"Good morning to all. This job has a two step hiring process so you will be interviewed by the BigHit first and then you will be interviewed by BTS themselves as they said they want to get to know a little about you and make sure you will be fit for the job," all girls in the room were in shock after hearing we will be personally interviewed by BTS.

I sat there for 7 hours waiting for my turn when the tall guy called out my name, "Ms. – ", that's when I stood up, because I knew he wouldn't be able to pronounce my name, since I am foreign and also because I was the only one left. "Sarah. Ms. Sara Shreger", the tall guy blushed in a shy way, gestured me to come inside, as I stepped inside there were two really tired people with one had this hand over his head and the other had already dozed off.

"Do we still have people coming?" he asked

"Yes, this is the last one," the sleepy man blurted out

"Guys go home, I will take this one," he said

He looked at me and forced a smile and introduced himself,

"Hello, I am Kim Namjoon, you would know me as RM," he chuckled

"Let's begin with the interview, shall we?" he insisted.

I handed him my portfolio and said nothing.

He took a firm look at everything in there that's when he broke the silence,

"You have a degree in engineering, that's impressive, your grades seem exemplary, and lets check the extras, a national silver medal in martial arts, dance, ranked 7th for national Einstein, speaks German, French, Chinese, English and Korean, my!" he observed. "Now, Ms.-, anyway Sara, I am not going to lie to you, you are the most qualified person we have met with today and I can safely say your chances seem good but you have to be here tomorrow at 8am sharp so that we can begin with the next step and you will meet the other members, are we clear?" he explained.

"Uh, Yes, sure," I agreed.

"Okay, you can go now, 8 am sharp, here, tomorrow," he said in a strict way.

I nodded, so that was it? It was over that quickly? Guess I will have to see what tomorrow brings.

I went home and saw that my door was unlocked, I have a roommate but she won't be home till next week! I got scared and I picked up the rusty rod lying there and I stepped inside.

"WHOSE HERE?!" I yelled.

"WHATUP BITC-" before she could complete her sentence, I hit her on her head with the rusty rod and I realized it was roommate?! There she was unconscious, oh god I felt so bad.

Meera's POV:

I opened my eyes, it took me a few seconds to adjust to the lighting in the room and got a clear vision after a while, me, unable to recall what happened, that is when a familiar voice whined way too loud that's when I saw her, and everything came flooding back to me. I swear there were fumes coming out of my ears, she walked towards me with a metal spatula in her hand, and when she saw that I was up, he dropped the burning hot spatula on my leg.

"Are you trying to torture me and then kill me?" I yelled.

"Omg Meera, I am so sorry," She apologized with an innocent look on her face and began to explain, "I thought you were a thief and you weren't supposed to come back until next week so I-" she trailed off.

"So, you decided to hit me in the head with a pointy, rusty iron rod? Very smart, speaking of you have to get me to the hospital to make sure I don't need a shot or something," I stated. Without saying anything she took my hand and drove me straight to the hospital.

Sara's POV:

I drove Meera as fast as I could, the hospital staff in Seoul is the best, we were filling out a few forms and I saw my friend Kayla, her son had a fever so they were at the kids' section of the hospital it was really pretty full of toys and a little slide, puzzles, we were talking and suddenly our eyes fell on the grown man who came of the clinic, a baby's clinic? Everyone started whispering.

"Now, now little Jiminie, the rash on your tushie is not that serious, I took a look at it and if it doesn't clear out in a few days you come back okay?" the doctor comforted the old guy.

"Doc, I was a good boy today I didn't cry", said the guy

He turned around and I could see him a bit better and it was...MY! JIMIN! He put his hands forward, and the doctor immediately exclaimed, "I did not forget your lollipop," and Jimin started giggling like a little kid, he started walking towards me and without looking, his lollipop fell from his mouth and into my beautiful EXPENSIVE boots, I got mad! I had just paid for those, I couldn't control all that anger!

"Watch where you go or next time instead of that lollipop on the floor it will be your face," I blurted out like an idiot, can't believe I said that to my possible boss.

"Sorry, oh god, I am so sorry", he apologized.

"Tushie rash? In a kid's clinic really?" I started laughing and everyone else in the room started laughing, and Jimin blushed and felt embarrassed and walked out of there, I bullied my possible future boss, I couldn't control myself, boy, this can't be good.

I saw Meera talking to the doctor, she got the shot and she is safe, I apologized to her on in the hospital, in the car and when we got home and when we went to bed.

A/N: Hi! Hoped you enjoyed this, it's a little lame sorry, I will try my best to make it better, please comment what you feel about this chapter as I want to get better and don't forget to vote! Ly! Also, I update everyday so stay tuned💜

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