No more surprises?

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 I paused the video, and I began thinking, how could he do the interview when I cancelled all their plans for today its- unless thoughts were interrupted by Meera who opened the door,

"Being a real estate agent is the best! I love my job, hey, what's with the face?", she asked

"These people I work for they, they are weird, I am not sure what they want me to do?", I glanced at Meera who had a concerned look on her face.

Meera's POV:

I had no idea what she was talking about and I was curious, I am not going to lie. I walked towards her, and began to ask, "What do you mean?". She said nothing and took out her airpods, and placed them in front of me, I was so confused, and she finally spoke, "I needed to know what they were going to talk about when I was gone, one of them threatened me in a dark room and I don't trust them, that's why I left one of my airpod in the room and I could hear what they were talking about, about prepping me, taking me on 'trips' and how everything will be told to me later and they could use me, they need me. And today I got abducted along with one of the members and they weren't surprised, I don't even think they called the police or anyone and the strange part is that, there was supposed to be an online interview and which did get published today, and everyone was there, in the interview and the strange part was that I got abducted the same time as the interview......" she trailed off, that's when I said, "So the member was with you the whole time and he showed up in the interview, omg that's-", I had lost the words. Something is fishy.

Third POV:

"She said she wants to kill me, she took the gun and pointed it at me, then she turned around and pointed the gun that man's head, he was on the ground, with a gun on the back of his head, she knocked him unconscious and put him in the car, she untied me and I was led to you guys", Taehyung said.

"That was smart, we could use her next time, if it wasn't for her, you had no chance of escaping, you know?", Jin pointed out

"Let's tell her first thing tomorrow, she must have seen the interview, yeah?", Jungkook suggested.

"She is not ready to come on our 'trips' I won't allow it", Taehyung hissed.

"Tae, why don't you let her stay with you? To keep a watch on you maybe, so you won't get hurt, she has done a pretty good job till now", Suga noted.

"No way am I having her in my apartment", Taehyung disagreed.

"Fine, we will all live together for a while, to make sure no one gets attacked anymore, let's move to our safe house, what say?", J Hope suggested.

Everyone was in with the plan

"Will she stay with us?" Jimin asked with a disgusted look on his face.

"We'll see tomorrow" Namjoon uttered.


Sara's POV:

I woke up in worry, so did Meera, she asked me, "Are you sure about this? Will you be able to get through", I replied "Why not?" and got up and carried out the usuals and was on my way to work, as soon as I reached, I rushed to their office, I mean though it was scary, it was kind of exciting.

I knocked on the door, Jimin opened it and rolled his eyes, I glared at him in disgust. J hope excitedly jumped, "Ah, just the person we wanted to talk to", I looked at them, coldly and waited for them to begin. Jin gestured to me to sit down and I did as he told me to.

I pursed my lips and Namjoon began, "Look Sara, what you saw yesterday was our other job", I said nothing, I had a blank expression, a cold expression and he continued, "The reason I asked you to be our personal assistant is because, our other job needs help, the reason why I threatened you in the dark room was because, our other job is a secret, only you get to know about it and meddle in it", I folded my hands as I had a feeling he wasn't done so he continued, "We are undercover agents, we work for a company, our this job, plays as the pawn, to make sure we are never suspected, you know how we say we are always busy? You got it", he explained.

I got up and asked, "Is this what you do on your 'trips', is this why you need me? Is this what I will be useful for? Is this what Taehyung needs to prep me for?"

Jungkook narrowed his eyes and hissed, "How do you know all this?"

I rolled my eyes and took out my airpods and said, "As spies, not very observant".

Before they could say more, I spoke, "Although, this, all this, doesn't sum up how he was in the interview the same time as he was being almost-killed-with-me", pointing at Taehyung who furrowed his eyebrows.

They told me to come along, I didn't ask where, I am kind of getting their lingo, I just started going with the flow.

We crammed up in this van thing and Suga called me forward and handed me the keys, I took them and just started the engine and asked, "Where to?", my hands tightly gripped the wheel and Jungkook replied, "We'll tell you the directions just move forward". "Okay, Jungoo'', I chuckled. I started moving forwards and he asked, "Jungoo?", I laughed, "You seriously DIDN'T know people call you that?", he angrily asked, "Why?", I politely replied, "Because whenever you introduce yourself you go somewhat like this'', I continued imitating Jungkook's introduction, "Hey guys, I am Jungoo, nice to meet you", I imitated his sweet voice. They all started laughing, while Jungkook who was sitting shotgun told me the directions, I could tell he was embarrassed and angry, well if that guy has that much pride and ego then he might as well talk to me in a proper manner, I heard Taehyung snickering and I defended Jungkook because I felt bad and spat out, "What are you laughing at good boy?", I said imitating his husky voice, and everyone laughed even louder. Taehyung didn't comment on anything, he shouldn't.

"Do mine", Jin laughed.

I exclaimed, "I love your introduction the most, so much confidence my! My! I am JIN WWH worldwide handsome, you know?" copying his accent. I continued, "I'M YOUR HOPE, WAIT, YOU'RE MY HOPE, WAIT, IM J WAIT HOPE", the way I copied his accent made them laugh.

We entered into some jungle thing, and there were trees everywhere and I was confused, I sarcastically asked them, "If you wanted to go hunting then we should've dressed up like the stone age man completely", they smiled and rolled their eyes. After a few turns I could see a huge Mansion in the middle of a forest?

We all got out and entered the beautiful place, it had huge windows! After some time, they all led me into this really shady room, it had a huge iron ring there and there was this huge control board and I got curious and I asked them, "What is this?"

Namjoon began to explain with his 148 IQ, "This is a time machine, so we go back in time, carry out our missions, the time we have plans as BTS, and you are going to help us in them."

Wha- tim- huh? That kind of explains the Taehyung thing, Namjoon continued, "Don't be surprised, these things were invented, except, we had the money to get it, so, Sara, you are going to have to help out with our missions at night and help us with BTS in the day, so you will have to stay with us for a few days and I am not taking no for an answer", he demanded

I gulped.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please feel free to comment whether or not you liked this chapter or whether there should be any improvements, don't forget to vote! Ly!💜

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