A body for a body

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Meera? I didn't even bother to think how? I didn't bother to utter another word or make any sound, without anything going on around my mind, I checked if she was breathing, my heart dropped into my stomach, and my ears, I couldn't hear anything, she was dead?

Taehyung screeched into my ears, "We'll get her to the hospital and find out who did this".

I nodded and picked her up, Taehyung ripped some of her clothing only to stop her from bleeding, there was a he cut in her leg, she was cold and pale, Taehyung drove as fast as lighting, we practically reached in no time, to the closest hospital possible, I picked her up with all my strength and the doctors, they came running outside, they took her inside and she was on the stretcher. They took her inside and there she was, we patiently sat outside until the doctors came outside, and Jungkook came,

"Is she okay, Hyung?" He was surprised. Taehyung looked the other way

"We aren't sure, they haven't told us anything", Taehyung conveyed.

"I am there for you Hyung, good thing you called me", I looked at Taehyung who was staring at me, I got uncomfortable and asked,

"Where are the others?"

"Rm and Hoseok are at the arcade, Jin and Jimin are getting massages and Yoongi is at the Han River", Jungkook tried to remember and answered.

"And, where were you? Jungoo", I asked.

He fumed, "Not that it's any of YOUR business but I was with Rm and Hoseok", I could tell how mad he was that I called him Jungoo. I knew for a fact, me and Jungoo DO NOT get along very well.

The doctors finally came outside and I got up from my seat,

"We had to go through the defibrillation, that is had to give her a shock to bring up the heart rate, we almost lost her for a few seconds, and you did an excellent job by stopping the wound, she had already lost too much blood, speaking of, we need to speak to a blood donor-"

"I'll do it, I am O+", Jungkook offered.

"No, I'll do it, I have the same blood as her B-", I spat out, I do not trust that Jungoo, moreover I just don't like him and I don't want his blood inside her, who knows where it's been.

"Okay, we just need her ID", The doctor demanded.

"It must be at our place, I saw her purse there", Taehyung informed me.

I sighed, "I'll go get it", I bit my lower lip and started walking away when I felt a tight grip on my arm, I tried to wriggle out of it but it was too strong,

"You stay, I'll go", Taehyung said it more as a warning.

I chuckled, "You? You mean the guy who almost got killed and I saved?"

He chuckled, "You want to go? Whose friend nearly got killed? Don't you see? They want you to come to them".

I took a few steps towards, "I'll give them what they want, don't you worry", I was standing way too close to him, he was gazing into my eyes! Bingo! I took the keys from his hands and ran to the car, I heard him calling for me but I didn't look back.

I started driving when I got a text from Taehyung

Taehyung: send me your location, I'll track you.

Me: no.

Taehyung: If you get a hold of him, take him to our house and call me.

Me: Don't worry, I am going to win this.

I sent him my location, the boy thought way too much.

I arrived and there was a man, sitting on the couch, with her purse in his hands. I got out of the car and waved at him. He really looked at his watch

"Right on time", he smiled.

"What can I say? Beating up weak guys is something I like to consider as having a pet, you give them one treat and they keep coming back for more", I smiled back.

"Do you know why I am here? It's to take you somewhere, I would've killed you right away but we have some questions for you so I won't kill you quickly slowly with torture", he hissed. I saw his left hand holding a knife, a big knife

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"A body for a body, I saw what you did to my best friend, we all heard about you and I promised to take you down, I made you emotionally unstable by killing your best friend, now you know how I feel, we are the same now", he replied.

"You are wrong, we are nothing alike. My best friend is dead sure, but she didn't kill others to make money, she had talent, skill, integrity and courage and your friend had high levels of irritating and obnoxious, no skill, no talent, just do bull work", I wanted to say all of this to him, but I didn't, I won't anger him anymore instead I nodded my head in agreement.

"Take me wherever you want", I said. I shifted to the left and motioned him go walk out the door first, one second, I get one second to win,

I pulled the knife he was holding and stabbed his thigh, I took a showpiece lying around and hit his head, I contacted Taehyung and a phone started ringing, Taehyung was standing behind a wall with a gun.

"I don't think we made a mistake hiring you" he sighed and continued, "what you did was so risky".

I narrowed my eyes at him and gave him an evil stare, "What?", He questioned.

"If you are here", I was about to continue when Jungkook came down, "Damn S, you know what you do", Jungoo exclaimed. "Yes Jungoo, who is with Meera right now" I asked, I pursed my lips and crossed my arms, "Okay, you have to stop calling me that woman and everyone else is there, don't worry", Jungoo replied. "No, my dear Jungoo, I won't and that's a relief thanks", I thanked them.

"Wait, I left before you guys, how did you reach before me?", I asked.

"We have a helicopter", Taehyung boasted. I rolled my eyes at him.

A/N: I know you might have a lot of questions but this chapter will get so much clearer in the next one, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, Its so lame! I am sorry and please comment what you feel about this story, I really want to know, don't forget to vote! Ly!💜

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