They are not who you think

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I went back to the house and got ready as fast as I could, I took a few essentials like tissues for when I get scolded for not doing the job right and having a mental breakdown of course, I also took my lovely briefcase, oh my how much I adore it, my grandma gave it to me before she passed away, It had 3 ink pens, papers, folders, files, a tiny globe, a small pen stand, a laptop pouch, my headset, a small journal, I am going to finally use it for a job I am actually willing to do.

It took about 22 minutes to get everything, that's why I was going to ride my bicycle to the office, the office was far but not THAT far, I got off and there I was ready to work, in my glamours pant suit, I knocked on their door and waited for them to open it, Namjoon opened the door, without saying anything not even a word, he grabbed my hand, his grip was so tight that it was messing with my blood circulation, he brought me into this dark room and the only light source there was a really tiny window letting the sun in, he made me sit on a chair.

"Do you promise to stay loyal to us? Do you promise not to leave this job? Do you promise to utilize your time for us when we need it? Answer is yes, you promise, you cannot disappear, we will find you no matter what, everything you know about us stays between us, one word to anyone and you wish you were never born", He demanded to give my whole life for them, it was a tough thing to do, then I looked at my briefcase and remembered that it's something that I wanted myself and now it's too late to back down, my mind said stay, stay and fight.

I sharply stared at him and I folded my hands, crossed my knees while still staring at him wickedly and agreed, "Fine", he nodded and brought me outside.

"So, what do you want me to do?", I inquired in a positive tone, smiling like nothing happened.

"Go down and find Mr. Park Seo Joon and get today's schedule, see where we have to go, look the places up, you will drive us there, call our makeup artists, fashion designers if we have an interview or something", Suga demanded in fluent English.

"But how? You can't- yo-you don't", I muttered

"What? We can't speak English? Are you seriously THAT naïve, you didn't know?", Jin laughed

"Hey! Over here!", J Hope called me towards him.

I walked over to the bean bag chair he was sitting on, he got up,

"Its how marketing works, seven boys who have hit songs all over the world are so modest and don't even speak English, we show people what sells", J Hope explains as he pours himself a cup of coffee.

"Just do what you are told to, now run along", Jungkook growled.

I rushed out of the room and searched for Mr. Park Seo Joon, in that big office my!

Jungkook's POV:

"Namjoon Hyung, why? Why Sara?" I asked in a gravelly voice.

"She is mentally strong, too strong, her memory cannot be tampered with, and smart, we need someone on our 'Trips' who can handle and process everything without getting shocked and scared", Namjoon Hyung replied.

"Do you think she can handle it?", Suga Hyung questioned.

Taehyung Hyung chuckled and answered, "I'll train her, let's not tell her yet, let her be my side for a while".

"We have to tell her soon though, she will start doubting us and we really need her on our....trips, you know?", Jin Hyung argued.

"That arrogant nutjob will find out one way or the other", Jimin Hyung groaned.

"Let's go with Taehyung's idea, she will get prepped", Namjoon Hyung demanded.

We all agreed and she came in

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