Night of Love, Clarity and Tears

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Jimin's POV:

I started walking and started thinking of all the things I could say, "The way you giggle makes me burst into laughter because you literally sound like a 4 year old giggling, you are into simple things and appreciate things around you though you are mean and sarcastic at times, I love you and only you," I mumbled to myself as I walked passed Taehyung's room seeing Sara fall asleep in his neck and Taehyung's arms wrapped around her like she will disappear any moment, I felt tears rising up, my throat felt like it was wrapped by a thick wire 100 times, I found it hard to breathe, my knees felt weak and my head started feeling heavy, because she was there, in his arms when I should be the one holding, my heart was shattered into pieces.


I called her,

"Hey," I greeted her as she picked up.

"Airhead, do you know what time it is?" she questioned.

"I know, but I had to know, why did you say nothing today? At DDMA's? I thought we were going to make it official today?" I asked, breaking out in tears.

"I am sorry baby, it's just that I don't want people to find out so soon, come over at my place?" she asked.

"It's 2:30am, have you lost your mind?" I yelled at her as I continued, "Unless you are ashamed to be seen with me?"

"It's not that-" she began but I interrupted her,

"BILLIE EILISH, I love you," I broke out in tears.

"I kind of wanted to call it off Namjoon, I don't know what to say anymore-," she started explaining, but I ignored her words and ended the call.

I wanted to kill myself, I loved her so much and that's what I get for my kindness and my love? I don't believe in these things anymore, my life as I know it, is lonely.

J Hope's POV:

Dear Suga,

I have wanted to say a lot of things to you these past years but now that I think about it, its now or never. Love shouldn't be hidden, because not any people get it in their lives, I am willing to express my love towards you and only you.

The day I laid my eyes on you, I knew you and I were meant to be. You are a rapper but you look like a small kid when you smile showing your gums, your lyrics inspire me and your beautiful soul reminds me to love myself no matter what. You are funny, you are good at what you do and you enjoy it. I want to be an important part of your life if you'll let me.

Sleep now, and watch the sunrise with me tomorrow morning and I'll take that as a yes.

I slipped it under Suga's door who was writing lyrics. I knew the lighting he used, yellow light, helped him think. I want to be his yellow light in life.

Jungkook's POV:

I rushed up the stairs...

Meera's POV:

I rushed down the stairs...

Jungkook's POV:

Meera? Where is she going?

Meera's POV:

Jungkook? Where is he going?

Third POV:

Meera folded her hands and pouted, "Where are you going?"

Jungkook folded his hands and looked the other way, "I should ask you the same."

After a few moments of awkward silence, they admitted together, "To meet you."

Meera tucked her hair behind her ears, Jungkook loved it when she did that. She bit her lower lip and mumbled, "I wanted to say something to you," in a soft tone.

Jungkook smiled at her and sighed adoring her looks, "Me too actually, please let me go first though, though we might not know a lot about each other, I want to get to know you better and I want to be more close to you as I think you are a terrific girl who constantly tucks her hair behind her ears and your adorable glasses are my favorite. I think you are really kind and I like you for that, so I want to ask you out, on a date first, I want this to go properly."

She flashed a big smile at him, "I would love to."

He planted a kiss on my cheek and said, "Good night baby girl."

And he walked away, Meera in complete dream land skipped back to her bedroom and let out a squeal and she jumped on the bed and fell asleep thinking about him. That's exactly what I wanted to say to him.

Suga's POV:

I was feeling wabbit, my eyes were swollen and my head felt light. I whisked away from my computer and I saw a letter, it said 'J Hope' in a neat handwriting.

Jin's POV:

I love no one, is it possible that I will be going to military training and I have my career, I didn't find my special one. Maybe I should just...

Taehyung's POV:

I think I am just attracted to her, that's all, I don't think it's love. Whatever, I am just being kind. I carried her back to her room where Meera was sleeping, should I put the blanket on her? No way, she is very capable of doing that on her own.

A/N: Sorry if this wasn't what you expected, does Suga meet J Hope at the crack of dawn or will he break his heart? What will Jin do when he realizes his life needs love in it? Stay tuned! Your questions will be answered in the upcoming chapters, it might seem a little confusing right now. Please comment what you feel about this story or this chapter, and don't forget to vote! Ly!💜

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