Beauty God Anger

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I was just sleeping in my exotic and premium base. I was resting so I can check out the tower, apparently even though monsters live there I can get cool loot. The locals also heard of my exploits in that one village so that's a rip but mother luck is on my side because nobody notices me. 

While walking I see a mass group of people fangirling over some girl that is wearing golden silky clothes. Apparently her name is Ishtar by her Id thanks to gmod logic so i decided to ignore it until that thot yelled my name. 


Oryx: "Oh no."

I watched enough anime to know where this was going. She was going to try to charm my ass then make me a part of her reverse haram. So I did the best option. 

Oryx:" ZOOOOOM!" 

I yelled running faster than an dad getting milk. Made a quick turn and boom made it to my base. I started to barricade that bad boy and pray to God or well Gods in this case to make me hidden form the God of thots. 

(???"s pov)

A single purple clouded left hand and a green yet clear right hand were looking at a magic crystal ball in some dark, cold yet warm plane of existence. Only noise you could hear was the wind and water clashing but nowhere to be seen. They're looking at Ishtar who were ordering her Familia to find Oryx.

???: It appears that the house of Chaos and Creation has been reborn. 

???: I agree sister. Our time will come again to rule our creations along with the chosen one. 

???: Do you think he can reawaken HER. 

???: Yes sister I believe so. 

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