Chapter 1

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*Obi-wan Kenobi's POV*

I leaned back in my chair, the rest of the Jedi council surround me in their chairs. They are focused on master Windu who is currently talking about something that I'm not listening to. 

My mind has been focused on Friday, the third anniversary of Anakin's disappearance. 

Three years ago we were taken to a mysterious planet called Mortis. While on the planet we met the father, the daughter, and the son. We faced many dangers as well as learning that Anakin is the chosen one, the one who will bring balance to the force. 

But after the death of the father and the light swallowed us up putting us back on our ship Ahsoka and I woke up to find that Anakin wasn't with us. 

Coming back to Coruscant and having to tell his mother -who has been living here since she nearly died four years ago- that he was missing was by far one of the hardest things I've had to do. 

To this day I can still see her face contorting in pain and disbelief as I told her the news. She crumbled to the floor and rambled on and on as she cried. 

Ahsoka told me that telling Padme was just as hard. I can understand that, especially with the possible relationship I think they have.

Every Jedi and clone trooper was ordered to scower the galaxy and find Anakin, but they came to no prevail. 

Ahsoka and I had many meditation sessions with master Yoda in the hope of finding Mortis where I think Anakin is, but that too came to no prevail. It was like something was blocking us from finding the planet. 

Every week Shmi would come to the council chambers and ask how the search was going and every week we had the same answer. 

After six months of searching and finding nothing master, Windu and Yoda called it off. 

Shmi, Padme, Rex, Ahsoka, and I were not pleased with the decision but we had no say in the matter. 

So we waited and waited for Anakin to return. But no one has seen him. And now the third anniversary is quickly approaching. 

" Master Kenobi!" master Windu called to me. 

Snapping out of my train of thought I looked up. The rest of the council's eye burned into me. 

" My apologies my mind was somewhere else, what was the question?" 

A few Jedi lowered their heads in understanding, they knew what I was thinking of. 

" I was asking if you believe Ahsoka Tano is ready for the trials." master Windu repeated. 

Since Anakin went missing I've taken over Ahsoka's training. She was grateful that I had taken her in but I could see she missed Anakin and wanted him to train her. 

The bond between a master and his padawan is an unbreakable one. 

Ahsoka has been training hard to become a knight, but I know she was always hoping Anakin would be there when she does the trials and when she passes to be there at the ceremony. But sadly that might not be the case. 

" Master Kenobi." Master Windu repeated more sternly.

" Yes, master Windu she is ready for trials. And once again I am sorry if my head is somewhere else. I'm sure you will remember what date is coming on Friday." 

I could tell he was trying to hide his annoyance. Anakin and master Windu have never been on the same page. Windu is strict by the book Jedi whereas Anakin was reckless and laid back. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if master Windu wasn't relieved when he heard Anakin was missing. 

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