Chapter 14

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*Obi-wan's POV*

The hanger buzzed with life. The entire council as well as our clone troopers are boarding our planes to Naboo.

A Sith Lord with as much power as he has displayed means all hands on deck. And we also have Dooku to deal with.

" General Kenobi we are ready." Commander Cody said over the comlink.

" I'm on my way."

" You better bring my son back Obi-wan Kenobi." Shmi snapped as she crossed her arms over her chest.

" Yeah, you owe us from the last time." Padme chuckled.

" Yeah I do," I smiled," And I will do everything in my power to bring Anakin back."

" Master Kenobi we have to leave now!" Master Windu yelled from across the hanger.

" Let's go, Ashoka."

Waving goodbye Ahsoka and I headed over to our ship and jumped on.

" Let's go!" I yelled to the piolet

The ship roared to life and slowly we took off. The higher and higher we went the smaller and smaller Padme and Shmi became and then they were gone.

*Anakin's POV*

My eyes are clouding faster by the second and all I can hear is the sound of my own heart beating.

Palpatine my friend is the Sith Lord we have been searching for. This whole time he was deceiving me, this whole time he was manipulating me. And I fell for it all.

" Join me Anakin and you will become one of the most powerful Sith Lords ever. With you, by my side, we can rule the galaxy."

Although this is the voice of my friend all I can hear is the voice of pure evil.

I don't respond all I do is glare. His face may be the same but his eyes are a violent orange. They are the eyes of pure evil.

" I know you Anakin I know you have always wanted power. I can give you power." He whispered as he slowly walked in circles around me.

My chains rattled as I pulled myself closer to him.

" You can take your promises of power and shove them up your ass," I growled," Kriff." I hissed as I spat on his face.

He leaned back with an angry sigh as he rubbed the spit off his face.

" Master we don't really have time for this." Dooku sighed.

He looked over his shoulder as Dooku then turned back to me.

" My apprentice is right. Telling you of the power I can give you isn't enough. Maybe I should show you instead."

He raised his wrinkled hand towards my head. I tried to break my chains and run away or fight him off but I couldn't. As soon as his hand touched my forehead I was plagued with visions.

Pictures of me and Palpatine sitting on thrones. Our eyes glowed bright yellow and everyone was bowing at our feet. And all I felt was power.

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