Chapter 8

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The early morning sun streamed through the windows bathing is in their warmth. I woke up about half an hour ago and even though I'm super hungry I just can't leave Padme. 

I smiled as I stroked her curls away from her face. Her rosy pink lips were slightly parted, faint snores whistled through her teeth. Not being able to resist myself any longer I leaned down and gently packed her lips, just slightly brushing them with mine.

As I leaned back her doe brown eyes fluttered open.

" Morning angel." I whispered in her ear then planted a gentle kiss on her neck.

" Morning." She smiled as she rubbed her eyes.

She leaned closer to me resting her head on my chest.

" How did you sleep?" I asked kissing the top of her head.

" It's the best sleep I've had in three years." She smiled.

I shuffled down closer to her until our foreheads were touching. She smiled as our eyes met.

" I have the day off, maybe we can just stay here in bed all day. Like a repeat of last night." She smirked the last part.

" As much as I would love that I promised Ahsoka that I would help her train for her trials." I sighed.

" Can't you just do that tomorrow? We haven't had a vacation day in three years." She whined while pouting.

" I won't be training her all day. As soon as I'm done I'll come back and we can get back into bed after I make you a delicious and romantic meal."

" How about I come with you and watch the training," She suggested," Maybe your mom can come too I'm sure she would love to spend more time with you." She added with a smile while playing with my hair.

" That actually sounds like a good idea." I smiled.

" Well, I'm full of good ideas." She smirked.

" Really."

" Yeah." 

I smirked as I pulled her close and kissed her. Just as I was about to roll on top of her a loud knock on the door.

" Padme!" My mom yelled from outside.

" Thank God I thought it was someone else." Padme sighed with relief.

" How do you think I felt."

" Mistress Padme shall I let her in?" 3PO asked from behind the door.

" Yes and wait in the living room while Anakin and I get ready." Padme replied.

" Of course Mistress."

" I hate to say this but we have to get dressed." I sighed.

" Yeah." Padme sighed jumping out of the bed and throwing on a red dress.

" Wow, you got dressed fast. I still thought we would do some sexy back and forth then make out for a bit." I mumbled.

" You're mother is in the living room." Padme snapped. 

" Oh yeah." I sighed scratching my neck.

" Get dressed." She snapped hitting my leg with her one shoe.

" Okay." I whined getting out of bed.

" Hi, mom." I smiled as I pulled my mom into a hug.

" Hello, how was your night?" She asked.

" Awesome." I smirked.

" Anakin." Padme scolded me while she punched my shoulder.

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