Chapter 6

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*Anakin's POV*

A big smile played on my lips as I looked out at an ecstatic Obi-wan and Ahsoka who was wiping tears of joy from her cheeks. Even Master Yoda looks happy to see me.

" Sky guy!" Ahsoka cried as she ran over to me and pulled me into her tight embrace.

Normally I hate it when she calls me by that name, but right now after not seeing her for three years I've never been happier to be called Sky guy in my life.

" Hey, Snips." I chuckled hugging her back.

" So I don't get a hug." Obi-wan said.

Ahsoka grinned as she pulled away. Once she was off of me I basically ran over to Obi-wan and gave him the biggest, tightest hug I've ever given him in my life.

" Did you miss me?" I asked squeezing him tighter.

" Sort off." He mumbled.

" He's lying he's been an emotional wreck," Ahsoka declared," I actually think I saw him cry once." She added.

I laughed pulling away from him.

" Aww, you did miss me." I grinned tussling his bright orange hair.

" Yeah, I did." He smiled patting my shoulder.

" Good to see you I am master Skywalker."

" It's good to see you too Master Yoda." I smiled bowing down to the Jedi grandmaster.

" Come on I know three more people and two droids who will want to see you." Ashoka smiled.

" And I want to see them." I smiled.

We swiftly walked towards Padme's apartment. With every step, my heart beat faster and faster with excitement.

I can't wait to hug my mom, to see Rex whose probably the third person. To see Artoo and 3PO and kiss my beautiful wife- when Ahsoka and Obi-wan are not there obviously-.

As we walked through the hallways people stared at me in shock and disbelief. Some smiled and waved at me. But I didn't pay much attention to them, I have other people waiting for me.

Finally, we reached Padme's apartment. My heart was beating so fast I felt like it could jump out of my chest.

"Let's give them a surprise." Ahsoka whispered.

" Yes." I smirked.

" Okay, we'll go in and act all sad then you jump out." Ahsoka explained the plan.

"Let's do it." I whispered.

Man, it's good to be back.

Using my new power I made myself invisible while Ahaoka knocked on the door.

Looking back at me Obi-wan and Ahsoka pulled on their sad faces. I almost laughed at their impressive acting skills.

The door opened revealing 3PO in his golden glory.

I even missed him and all his quirks.

" Master Kenobi, mistress Tano please come in. Mistress Padme and Shmi have been anxiously awaiting your return."

I smiled at the mention of my mother and Padme.

" Is Rex still here as well?" Ahsoka asked.

" Yes." 3PO replied.

He staggered out of the way and allowed Ahsoka, Obi-wan, and I to enter.

We swiftly made our way to the living room where mom, Rex, and Padme were waiting.

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