Chapter 12

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The bright lights of the passing cars filled the room. I hummed as I brought an ice-cold glass of water to my dry lips.

While the council is searching for clues of who the Sith Lord is I have been ordered to remain inside. The council thinks I'm staying with my mother, but I decided to take this opportunity to spend some more time with Padme. Of course, this time would be better If she didn't have to work all day.

So I've been trying to find ways to keep myself busy. So I went onto the internet  (let's just pretend they have it) and searched 'What to do while you're staying indoors because a Sith Lord wants to change you to the dark side so you can help him rule the galaxy' but sadly that isn't a thing so I just looked up 'What to do when you're bored' and I hit the jackpot.

I've been trying to find a new hobby in cooking. I thought I could make a delicious meal to impress Padme but instead, I just landed up nearly burning down her apartment. So then I decided to try and meditate, but then I remembered that I hate mediating so plan number two was shot to hell.

I've tried building more prototype ships, training, even having a three-hour conversation with 3PO..... 3PO!!!!! But after six days of endless bordem I just don't know what to do.

So here I am sitting on the balcony drinking water and watching the speeded zip by.

" Is there anything I can get you, Master Ani?" 3PO asked.

The sun glaring off his golden coat is blinding me.

" No 3PO I'm alright," I sighed taking another sip of the water," Bored as hell but I'm fine." I chuckled.

The door to the apartment slid open and a familiar presence stepped inside.

The floor clicked as she slowly walked towards me.

" How was your day?" Padme asked.

She gently slipped down and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

" Same as yesterday and the day before. And of course, the council isn't exactly getting far with their investigation because you know finding a powerful force user is very difficult especially if they don't want to be found." I snapped.

She slightly jumped back. Before she could get far away I gently pulled her back.

" I'm sorry." I whispered.

" I understand your frustration but we need to be patient. More importantly, you need to be patient. And I will be here with you for as long as it takes." She smiled.

" I would totally kiss you right now but we are sort of in public." I chuckled.

" Let's get inside." She giggled.

As soon as we got inside I grabbed her waist, pulled her close, and smashed my lips onto hers.

" I've been waiting for this all day." I mumbled between kisses.

" Me too," Padme giggled,"  But you know what else I've been waiting for?" She smirked.

" And what might that be?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

" Food."

" Should have seen that coming." I laughed.

I made my way to a com-link and called Dex's Diner.

" So how was your day?" I asked, tossing my empty wrapping paper into the bin.

" Same old same old. Tons of paperwork and meetings." She sighed.

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