Chapter 5

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" Obi-wan Kenobi if you are lying to me right now I will hit you where it hurts." Padme threatened.

" I'm not lying look at the symbol and then look at the symbol Anakin put on the ship." I instructed handing the ship to her.

Her breath hitched when she saw the symbol.

" Ani." She cried.

" I can't believe my son was here on Coruscant." Shmi sighed her eyes filling with tears of joy.

" And he's got himself some new powers." Ahsoka added.

" We need to inform the council immediately."

In the last three years, I don't think I've ever smiled as much as I am now as I run to the council chambers.

As Ahsoka and I rush through the door the other council members looked at us in confusion.

" What's going on?" Master Windu asked.

" We have identified the Jedi." Ahsoka smiled.

" Who is it?" Master Windu asked leaning forward in his chair.

" Anakin." I blurted out.

They all looked at us in shock.

" How can you be sure?" Master Windu asked leaning back in disbelief.

" When inspecting the video of the Jedi Ahsoka saw a mark the Jedi had on his weapons. When R2 showed us the full version of the mark I immediately recognised it. Whenever Anakin would build something he would put the same mark on the item he built. He said it was his way of marking his work. We went to Shmi's apartment to confirm my suspension and I was right. Anakin is the masked Jedi."

Some of the members of the council looked happy while other *Windu* didn't share the same happiness.

I guess the council was just happy to see that I'm no longer depressed and that I'm actually smiling again.

" Well then now all we have to do is find him." Windu sighed.

" We don't know where that portal took him." Kit Fisto pointed out.

" Obviously it took him to Mortis." Ahsoka snipped earning her a nasty look from master Windu.

Anakin used to get those looks all the time.

" What makes you so sure?" Master Windu asked.

" We all saw how much power he has gained during the time he has been gone. The father and his two children are the only force users powerful enough to teach him those things." Ahsoka explained.

" A good point Padawan Tano has." Master Yoda agreed.

" I agree, but we tried finding the planet and we couldn't do it." I said.

" Maybe we shouldn't try to go to him maybe we should get him to come to us." Ahsoka suggested.

" And how do you suppose we do that?" Master Windu asked.

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