Chapter 11

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*Sidious POV*

My anger threatened to shake the building as Dooku reported his failure to capture Skywalker and the death of General Grievous.

" Master his power was stronger than I expected. His presence is even powerful. He defeated Greivious so fast it was almost unbelievable." He muttered with his knee to the ground and his head hung low with shame.

" I do not care for your excuses. I told you to capture Skywalker and you failed miserably." I yelled.

" I can assure you Master that I will not fail again."

" Consider yourself lucky that I am allowing you this one more chance," I hissed," But listen well if you mess this up and Skywalker slips through your fingers again I will terminate you."

" I understand Master. I will keep close tabs on Skywalker and when the right moment comes I will not disappoint."

*Anakin's POV*

" Are you sure you're alright?" Obi-wan asked as we walked through the Jedi temple.

The council is calling an emergency meeting after they heard of my attempted kidnapping.

My mom and Padme heard about what happened as well, my com link has been beeping like crazy.

" Yes, master I am fine." I groaned.

This is the hundredth he has asked me if I'm alright. Although I don't blame him, he does care about me like in his own child. The child that doesn't grow up and has to be monitored at all times.

" I just need to make-"

" Oh my God, can you please stop asking me if I'm alright? Because I am alright. Actually, scratch that I'm stressed because you keep asking me if I'm alright even though I have been telling you over and over again that I am ALRIGHT!" I yelled while pulling on some of my hair.

My burst of anger violently shook the entire building. Everyone around me screamed in terror as the ground shook resulting in a few of them falling to the ground.

Obi-wan stepped back in horror as my eyes turned their bright yellow.

I managed to take a few deep breaths and calmed myself down. My eyes turned back to their crystal blue and the building stopped shaking.

Obi-wan and everyone stood frozen with fear their eyes glued on me burning Into my very complicated soul.

" Sorry." I nervously chuckled.

With their eyes still on me, they got back to whatever they were doing before.

" We should get going we don't want to keep the council waiting." Obi-wan mumbled.

Looking down towards the floor Obi-wan turned on his heels and we continued our way to the council chambers.

As we reached the chambers the doors swung open revealing the entire council waiting for us.

" Master Skywalker-" Master Fisto began.

" I swear to the force if you or anybody else is going to ask me if I'm alright I will throw you out that window." I interjected.

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