Chapter 13

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*Obi-wan's POV*

" Found anything!" Ashoka yelled from around the building.

" No!" I yelled back.

Over an hour maybe even two at this point Padme contacted us saying that Anakin had gone missing.

Naturally, Ahsoka, Shmi, the 501st battalion, and I rushed here to Naboo to help with the search. And so far we have found absolutely nothing. As far as we know Anakin just up and vanished.

" I don't think we are going to find anything." Rex shrugged.

" No, we have to keep looking! Obi-wan tell him we need to keep looking!" Shmi sobbed.

She and Padme looked at me with pleading eyes. Ashoka had the exact same expression but I could also tell that she knows what my answer will be.

" I'm sorry but I agree with Rex we won't be able to find anything here. But I will loop the council in and they have better resources than we have. We will find him." I said.

Shmi paced back and for a few seconds holding her breath.

" Fine." She sadly sighed.

" Alright, I'll call the council."

*Anakin's POV*

The dripping water echoed through the damp cave. The silver chains that are clasping my wrists clatter together as I shuffle myself up onto a sitting position.

I woke up just over an hour ago and nobody has come to see me. But I know they are there. I may not be able to see them but I can sense them.

One is definitely Dooku, but the other one I don't recognize. It belongs to the other Sith Lord who attacked me. His power is so strong, not as strong as The Son but strong.

" Hello!" I called out my voice bouncing off the walls back at me.

No answer.

" HELLO!" I screamed louder," I know you're there. Just come out!"

The cave echoed with footsteps as Dooku and his master slowly stepped towards me.

Unlike Dooku, his master had his hood on but I can still see his evil sneer.

" Not so powerful now are you boy?" Dooku grinned.

" I'm just recharging." I chuckled.

" Good we will need you at your full strength if we want to destroy the Republic." The Sith Lord sneered.

" And what makes you think I'll ever help you Sith scum." I growled as I pulled on my chains.

" Foolish Skywalker," He hissed," After I'm done with you there will be no light left in you and you will help us."

" I don't give a crap what you do to me I will never join the dark side. I will fight you and whatever you do to me. My friends will come to find me and we will defeat you. You will lose." I hissed while looking directly into his bright yellow eyes.

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