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*Anakin's POV*

" Here she comes." Padme whispered.

Smiling I looked out at Ahsoka as she kneeled down in front of Master Yoda.

The remaining council stood around her their lightsabers drawn and at the ready.

Together my mom, Padme, Rex, and I smiled at Ahsoka.

The council with their hoods drawn up lowered their lightsabers while Master Yoda rested his on Ashoka's shoulder.

" Ashoka Tano by the right if the council by the will of the force. Dub thee I do Jedi knight of the republic."

With one swoop of his lightsaber Master, Yoda cut off Ahsoka's Padawan braid.

The braid sizzles as it hit the floor.

Ashoka beamed with happiness as she got up.

" Well done Ahsoka." Padme smiled as she wrapped her arms around her.

" Knew you could do it Snips." I smiled.

" Skywalker." Master Yoda called to me.

" Yes, master."

" Shown great courage you have."

" Thank you, master." I smiled.

" Anakin you are the one who defeated Sidious. Because of you, the Sith have been defeated and the galaxy is safe. So it is my pleasure to tell you that we have granted you the rank of Master." Obi-wan smiled.

" You're joking." I chuckled.

" Joking we are not."

" Ani that's incredible." Padme smiled pulling me into her warm embrace.

Normally we wouldn't be allowed to do this but after I woke up in the hospital I came clean and we revealed our marriage to everyone else.

I was relieved when the council didn't expel me. And now I'm a Jedi master.

" Thank you, Master Yoda." I smiled.

" Okay, I'm just gonna come out and say it. I'm genuinely afraid for the order now that he is a Master." Ashoka laughed.

" Yeah well, I'm scared for whatever Padawan you will get someday." I chuckled as I shoved her shoulder.

" Yeah me too." Rex laughed.

" Really Rex." Ashoka whined.

" Sorry but I have to stick by my general." He shrugged.

" That is a friend right there." I smirked as we fist-bumped.

" Okay, hate to break your moment but I have to talk to Anakin alone." Padme said.

" Trouble in paradise?" Ashoka asked.

" I don't think so." I whispered.

" Let's give them some privacy." My mom said as she shoved everyone out of the room.

" Do we have trouble in paradise?" I asked.

" No, Anakin we don't have trouble." She smiled.

" Okay, then what's going on?"

Smiling she held my hand and pulled me closer.

" Ani I'm pregnant."

" What?" I gasped.

" You're gonna be a dad." She smiled.

" I'm gonna be a dad," I smiled," We are gonna be parents."

Pulling her close I pressed my lips to hers. And I know that from this moment right here right now everything will be alright.



Once again thank you for all the votes the reads the comments or even just adding it to your reading list.

This is my first ever fanfiction and I'm so happy how well it went. But don't worry this most certainly will not be my last Star wars fanfiction. I'm also thinking about doing some Divergent fanfiction for anyone here who maybe likes Divergent as well.

Know I don't have another picture/meme for you guys but I found this video on uTube and I thought it was hilarious and I just had to share it with you guys. It a video about Anakin and Ahsoka in High School!

May The Force Be With You.


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