Chapter 7

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There will a steamy scene at the end of the chapter.


" So has anything new happened with well, anything?" I asked.

I crumbled the container that had the left-over food in it into a tight ball and tossed it in the trash bin.

" Nice shot." Rex chuckled.

" Thank you, but seriously what's  the biggest things that have happened over the last three years?" I laughed.

I largely leaned back in my seat. On Mortis, the Father offered to allow me to check in with my friends with some orb thing he made. As much as I had wanted to I declined his offer. I believed that if I started doing that it would make me feel lonelier and would feel even more desperate to break out of the planet.

But now I'm back indefinitely and I want to hear all the latest things. And I'm sure I have lots to catch up on.

" Well, the war is still going on as usual." Ahsoka began.

" At least some things haven't changed." I mumbled.

" I have a new coat." 3PO cheered.

" I thought you looked golder." I smiled admiring his new covering.

" Rex for some reason recommends blue covering but Padme and I knew  that if you came back to a blue 3PO you would throw a fit." My mom said.

" Well, you were right." I laughed.

" As always." Padme replied in a cocky tone making me laugh even harder.

" Okay I get it I suck at choosing droid coverings." Rex sighed.

" Don't beat yourself up, Rex." Ahsoka shrugged patting his armor.

" Yeah at least you're  a cool clone." I smiled.

" Damn right I am." Rex chuckled.

" Okay, I think you have been hanging out with Ahsoka too much." I chuckled.

" Guilty." Ahsoka smirked causing us all to laugh.

" Okay besides the war, Rex's bad choice in droid covering and Ahsoka teaching him to be well like her what else had happened?" I asked wiping tears of joy away from my eyes.

" Actually Ahsoka has some big news." My mom smiled.

" Really well then let's hear it." I smiled sliding back into my chair.

" Well um...... I've been accepted to begin my trials to become a knight." She fumbled while pulling on her fingers.

I gasped in shock and pride.

" That's amazing Snips!" I cheered.

" Yeah, the only thing is I'm super nervous." She mumbled.

" Everybody who is going to do the trials is nervous. And if you want some help getting ready then I'll definitely help you."

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