Chapter 3

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*Obi-wan Kenobi's POV*

I woke up this morning with a heavy weight on my heart. Today marks three years since Anakin has disappeared.

Like the other two anniversaries Ahsoka, Rex, and I will meet up with Shmi and Padme at Padme's apartment. We'll have food from Dex's diner- Anakin's favourite restaurant- then we'll talk. Either about him or other things.

The walk to Padme's apartment felt like forever.

Everybody who passed by me nodded their heads in respect. They all know what today is, everybody on Coruscant knows what today is. Anakin was a beloved figure in the war. Everybody mourned his disappearance.

" Master Kenobi!" Master Windu called as he ran to me.

I used all my strength to not roll my eyes at him. He is the last person I want to see, especially today.

" Master Windu, what can I do for you?"

" I would just like to inform you that Padawan Tano will begin her trials in two weeks."

" Oh, thank you I will inform her immediately."

Without another word he turned on his heels and walked away.

Nearing Padme's apartment I see Rex just up ahead.

" Rex!" I call out.

The clone immediately stops in his tracks and turns to me. Like me, his face is a blank canvas.

Rex and Anakin worked very closely together in battles. They became great friends. Anakin would describe him as the clone he could stand being around.

Like all of us, Rex felt the loss of Anakin greatly. And just like Ahsoka, I took Rex into my battalion. Over the years we have grown closer. But I know I can never replace Anakin. Nobody can.

" Master Kenobi." He saluted.

" You don't have to be so formal with me Rex, especially today."

His eyes dropped to the floor, beginning to glass up with tears.

" We should get going, the girls will kill us if we are late."

" Yeah."

When we reach Padme's apartment 3PO opens the door for us and takes us to the living room where as expected Shmi and Ahsoka are already waiting.

R2 sat silently beside Ahsoka.

" Hey R2 haven't seen you in a while." I smiled.

When the search for Anakin was called off R2 refused to work for another Jedi. He even refused to go with Ahsoka.

R2 beeped with excitement at me.

" He says it's nice to see you too," 3PO said.

" Thank you 3PO."

Taking a seat between Ahsoka and Rex I look up to meet Shmi's eyes.

She stares back at me with anger and sadness.

" I'm assuming everyone will have the same order?" Padme asked stepping out of her room.

She is wearing a pale blue dress, her hair is tied in braids flowing down to her waist. A shiny talesmemt is  around her neck.

She began to play with the necklace as she reached for her credits to send with 3PO to get the food.

" Yes." We all said in unison.

" Great 3PO be careful with the money. Actually, take R2 with you."

" Don't worry mistress Padme I will be most alright."

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