Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Leedo POV

"If you were invisible, which store would you rob?"
"You heard me, boy." Hwanwoong looked at his reflection than at us.
"Umm, I don't know... probably Gucci."
"A classic. What about you Leedo?" I paused and thought about it.
"So I'm invisible, do the objects that I touch become invisible, or is it just floating in the air?" There was silence. Hwanwoong kept looking at himself, keonhee was using his phone.
"That's deep."
"Uh-huh... that's probably how they caught me last time." Hwanwoong stopped what he was doing, looked at each other then keonhee. He stopped using his phone and smiled at us.
"Anyways I'm hungry."
"Yeah same, I'm craving for ramen."
"Again?" Hwanwoong nodded. We were all looking at the mirror. It was silence.
"So... are we just going to look in the mirror or-Wait! How about we quickly go and get a small snack so we won't be exhausted." We all agreed and went ahead.
We went in the opposite direction to our practice room to the stairs so they wouldn't see us. I could already taste the chips tingling my taste buds.
We got to the machine and ran to it like little children. I felt my mouth watering.
"Look at those delicious snacks. Yummers." We were looking for our wallets, but then remembered that we left them in the practice room. Hwanwoong gasped and with that reminded us about the meeting.
"Yo, we gotta go." Keonhee signaling us to the stairs. We nodded and ran for it.
As we were running up the states Hwanwoong accidentally took a wrong step and smacked his head.
"Are you dead?" Keonhee yelled. He got up and looked straight into his eyes.
"Yes, I did." He rolled his eyes and kept walking up the stairs.
The hallways were quiet, usually, I'll hear Xion and seoho running around and yelling. I assumed that they were sleeping.
As we got to the door and I heard someone yelling. I looked at keonhee and Hwanwoong to see if they heard it too, and sure as hell they did. We stopped walking and thought about our life decisions.
"I'm scared to enter..." Hwanwoong whispered.
"I don't recognize that voice," Keonhee said.
"Could that be the Ceo?"
"Oh fuck."
"Oh well, this could be the last I see of y'all. Goodbye," keonhee said before entering. Hwanwoong and  I followed along and as soon and He opened the door, shit got quiet. I noticed Xion looking at me with a help me look. A tall man and woman turned around looking at us. The manager giving us a death stare, but it didn't bother me.
"Where have you three gentlemen been?" I'm assuming he's the CEO. But we didn't say anything. Hwanwoong was about to speak until he cut him out.
"And explain to me why the fuck are they separated? They're supposed to be a fucking group. Not their own." He said turning around to the manager. My heart skipped a beat, if he were to rat us out it'll truly be the end for me and Xion. I wasn't going to have it. I wanted to step in but I didn't know what to say.
"It-its because-"
"You need to get your shit together. Don't make me fucking scold you in front of everyone else. You better turn everything back to normal. They're still rookies and we don't have the money yet to have separate apartments. If not you're fucking fire."
"Ye-yes, sir."
"That's more like it. Next week I'll be becoming back and we'll talk about real business. All of you are dismissed. Have a good day." He left with the lady following behind him.
I couldn't believe this, I could finally be with him again. I couldn't wait to be with him, to sleep near him, hug him, whispering how much I loved him. I just couldn't.
"Plea-Please wait here everyone as I'll be making a few phone calls." He left, and we all stayed quiet for a bit."
"What a show..." Ravn said.
Keonhee and Hwanwoong went to their suitcases and Xion signaled me to go with him, and so I did. He leaned towards my ear and whispered and grabbed my hand.
"We're finally going to be together once again." He pulled away smiling. I wanted to kiss him, but I needed to resist.
"Where the hell are you guys going?" Seoho asked Hwanwoong and Keonhee.
"We're going to the vending machines, does anyone want to tag along?" Seoho and Ravn bolted up rushing towards them.
"Do you guys want to come along as well?" Hwanwoong asked both of us. We decline and they went along. When they were out of sit I gave a quick kiss to Xion. And we both smiled.

Once everything settled down. Hwanwoong, keonhee, and I went to our apartment to quickly get out stuff. I was so excited that I didn't even double-check to see if I have forgotten something.
We entered our old apartment and I was relieved. We went to our rooms and left everything like it was before. A sense of hope and happiness came to me when seeing the room as it was before we got separated. As soon as I was done with that I went to Xion's room and saw him getting ready for bed even though it was midday.
"Come and cuddle me until we both fall asleep," Xion ordered. And so I did.
We were both affectionately melting each other's hearts until we were fading away to sleep.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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