📝C h a p t e r 5 ~ D o u?📝

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~ warning : swearing ~

"Katara! you found an boyfriend already without me? imma beat the shit outta of him" Jet pointed as well as get in a fight stance 

Aang glared at him and rolled his eyes

Then when Jet throw the first hit Aang caught it and flipped him to the ground and stares at him coldly and when he gets up he throws another one and Aang dodges but forcibly doing that he swings himself to the gorund and Aang grabbed Katara's arm and leaded her near the toilets and pinned her to the wall

"are you okay?" Aang reassured

"better than ever, you gave that jerk want he deserved" Katara looked away crossing her arm

"good" Aang said standing up properly and leading her to the bowling area where Katara sat next to Sokka while Aang got up to do it 

"Katara i can't believe you like Aang, you only meet him for one day" Sokka realised looking at Katara

"Sokka you don't know what love is and you liked Suki remember?" Katara pointed out

Sokka looked at Aang

"yeah maybe i don't know what love is like" Sokka said crossing his arms 

"oh hey Katara hold on my phone" Aang tossed it to Katara which to that she caught it

Katara put it in her bag

Then after bowling the gang went back 

"Hey Katara can you give me my phone?" Aang asked

"yea didn't i?" Katara pointed a finger on her chin

"i'll look for it" Aang reassured 

They wavedand when Katara went to her room, she reached in her bag and felt another phone 

"shit, i have Aang's phone" Katara slammed her head and drove to his house and knocked and the door opened

"hello?" an old man that looked like Gyasto appeared

"hello! i'm Aang's friend, i came here, to give him his phone" Katara pointed

"oh Aang is showering certainly, feel free to go wait for him in his room upstairs to the left" the man pointed

"hey you must be Gyasto!" Katara said opening her hand

"oh? you know me? well very nice to meet" Gyasto said shaking her hand

They spoke for a little bit about his job and how he got there and Katara went to Aang's room and sat on his bed and played on her phone and hair, then after clicking on Instagram for a while the door opened

"hey aan-"

Aang was shirtless and only had shorts and a towel over his shoulders

Katara looked and flustered very hard and looked to the door and stood up and somehow tripped Aang so he fell on her, after this happened they both got up and Katara covered her cherry face

Aang looked at her and quickly grabbed a shirt and put it on

"sorry about that, i believe you have my phone?" Aang reached out

"o-oh don't b-be s-sorry" Katara said flustered  

"and y-yeah, h-here" Katara gave him his phone and they exchanged byes and when she went out his house and looked back at his house , and worried how long could she keep this up for?


3 weeks past just like normal and Katara and Aang grew close yet Aang avoided her half the time and when the gang wanted to hang out at his house he couldn't refuse and Toph and Zuko plus Katara went because Sokka and Suki went on a date for the second time in a row. They arrived at his house with food and snacks and they sat at the table

"Aang where Gyasto?" Zuko asked

"night shift" Aang said taking a sip of his cup

"uh so you take care of yourself" Katara asked

"must be lonely" Katara said to herself crossing her arms

"i never lonely" Toph also took a sip of her cup

Zuko laughed

"me either"

they turned to Katara to see if she was always alone in her house

"don't look at me i have Sokka" Katara gestured to him

They all laughed and started another topic 

"hey you and Aang are a great couple" Toph said


"what , makes you think that?" Aang asked

"everyone in your homeroom says that" Zuko joked

Katara looked at Aang who was pissed and look down at the table

while eating there food and after the talk was settled they started the game and prepared everthing and Katara volunteered to do the dishes while they played, (keep in mind Katara can hear them)

"let's play truth or dare!" Toph exclaimed

"okay i'm starting first" Zuko raised his hand

They both agreed

"okay truth or dare....Aang!" Zuko pointed

"...truth" Aang leaned back on his crouch brushed his hair with his hands 

"it is true you like Katara" Zuko chuckled

Katara stop wiping the last dish.

Aang was pissed off.

"i don't like...Katara, she just a friend" Aang said turning to the side

Katara heard this and squeezed her sponge and threw it in the sink, slammed the dish on the dish drying rack and just went to the door without saying anything and walked out and that day it was raining heavily. Aang noticed Katara leaving and slamming the door and therefore excused himself while Zuko and Toph siting down just stared at each other blankly and chuckled to themselves 

"Katara what happened?" Aang went by her side

"is it true" Katara crossed her arms avoiding Aang's eyes

"what?" Aang said confused

"Do you like me"

"do u" Katara persisted 

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