📋C h a p t e r 2 3 ~ S i g n U p📋

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Katara blushed cherry red at his loving words and grabbed his face and kiss him but to that he kissed back 

After that Aang drove Katara back home where they waved and exchanged hugs before parting 


The next day the morning rose, the gang met early and started taking a stroll around the school to beat time

"hey look" Zuko pointed a poster that shined brightly 

"council wanted sign up now by Wednesday ..."Suki red pointing at the words as she red the bright poster

"hey! you should give a try Aang" Sokka said pushing Aang lightly

"What? why me?" Aang said confused

"your perfect for the job twinkle toes" Toph punched Aang and thinking what is Aang was student council 

Katara looked at Toph holding hands with her brother but shook it off and kiss Aang's cheek

"yeah Aang, but you don't have to, but i'll vote for you if you do sign up" Katara smiled at Aang making him a bit more confident 

"i guess i will sign up" Aang said rubbing his neck thinking about the student council 

The gang rejoiced and gave him some advice 

"i guess i know who my vote is going" Katara smiled at Aang then holding his hands 


After exiting the "assigned" council room during lunch after signing up he bumped shoulders with an girl with black hair and yellow eyes, like Zuko

"Azula" Aang scoffed, she didn't like her, because she embarrassed him on his first day at the school when her "gang"

"oh, blue arrow boy, what are you doing in the council room? are you signing up for student council?" Azula raised an eye brow crossing her arms

"yeah..." Aang said rubbing his neck

"well you probably be third spot in council because i'm ALWAYS first, like always and someone else will be second because you don't deserve second" Azula flicked her hair so full of herself

"well this is my first time, so we'll see" Aang walked pass Azula, leaving her in shock at his confidence as well

Aang then continued walked, not looking back at her reaction to his words to the table where they the gang always sat at lunch and being stressed as he sat down, it made the others noticed his facile expression 

"uh you just went to sign up for student council, why so stress?" Zuko crossed his arms teasing Aang

"your sister...signed up as well" Aang said crossing his arms slamming his head

"of course Azula always signs up for student council" Zuko scoffed

"who's Azula?" Katara and Sokka wondered as they never met her

"all you need to know is that she is my cruel and mean sister" Zuko turned to them making them understanding who Azula's character was and also chuckle 

"don't worry Aang i'm sure you make it to head council" the gang patted Aang's shoulder one at a time and exchanging nice comments to make him feel better

"thanks guys" Aang smiled thanking them


When it reached Wednesday the gang and the rest of the stage, received a note, urging them to vote for who can be student council president and other positions, Katara looked at the note, observing the words and colours 

(so that's Azula) Katara thought looking at the square with a picture of a girl named Azula looking a lot like Zuko like he said 

There where other people wanting to student council but Katara circled Aang as head council, people in their year had term 1 to get to know the people and see if they are a good student council or to see if they were fit to be one but Aang hoped people think he was reliable.


After votes were submitted on Wednesday, on Friday, the year 12s had to have a assembly to announce the student councils for year 12 and etc.

"i thank you all for signing up for student council and for all the votes, now i will announce the new student council and they will come up and present a thank you speech" the teacher opened an envelope a teacher, gave to him next to him and after opening it, the teacher opened the card and red it out loud for everyone to hear

"the president of student council is..."

Azula flicked her hair thinking she won so full of herself

"Aang!" the teacher yelled in a happy tone

Everyone got up and clapped loudly for Aang while Azula fainted on Ty-lee trying to fan her from dying, Aang got up over whelmed and surpised and not to mention happy and got on the stage and pressed the micro phone near his mouth to speak

"oh my god, i am lost for words, really! thank you for all your support and i promise to be the best student council member and will take all ideas if i can" Aang joked at the last part and as he received a badge and a special uniform for being president as well as the others, but not as special as Aang's


After the assembly was over the lunch bell rang and everyone exited and the gang went table to celebrate Aang's achievement and when they where almost sitting down Katara kissed Aang passionately while hugging while Sokka pulled a tongue

"stop the oogies, anyway wow you get your own uniform?" Sokka said surpised looking at the uniform amazed also changing the topic 

"well yeah" Aang said rubbing his neck still over whlemed 

"see i told you, you be president" Toph punched Aang lightly on the shoulder 

"oh we have to celebrate!" Katara exclaimed excited for her air bending boyfriend

"well we can do it at my house!" Zuko offered instead of Aang this time

"that be great!" Aang sighed because he was the one throwing parties at his house making a massive clean up that was terrible to clean 

"but who do we invite?" Sokka wondered putting a finger on his chin thinking of the people

"just the student council and there some of there friends and you guys" Zuko pointed

"well then that settled then" Katara said leaning back sighing 

"well then when do we meet?" Suki said

"i guess at 5" 

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