🤬C h a p t e r 3 8 ~ M a d🤬

673 24 20

~ Warning : Swearing ~

There was silence, Aang was silence and so was Katara, they both were 

"wait Zuko was the one that took the pictures of you?" Aang said confused wanting her to say the last words again

Katara nodded crying looking down, so she wouldn't face him 

"that bastard, i confronting him" Aang walked to the door as he clutched his fists 

Katara ran to Aang and stopped him, and blocked him from exiting 

"Katara move" Aang said firmly, clutching his fist in a symbol of anger that made Katara gulp inside 

"NO! Aang please..." Katara pleaded Aang not to start a fight as she held his shoulder 

"but that bitch took pictures of you!" Aang finally yelled

"Aang please let's both confront him...i know it's bad but i know your going to start a fight with Zuko when YOU talk to him, so please wait for me and you to confront him, for me" Katara cried staring in the now soulless eyes that once glowed in Aang face 

Aang looked in the deep ocean eyes that glistened as she cried and sighed 

"fine, but as president of council, i reporting this to the teacher right away" Aang said still clutching his hands 

"fine, but when the time comes to confront him, wait for me...please" Katara said holding Aang's hand as he took a step

Aang sighed, taking a deep breath 

"fine..." he said in a little angry tone 

Aang walked past Katara, coldly, opening the door and slammed it shut which was very loud 

(i hope he doing what i think his doing) Katara clutched her shiny necklace as the force of the door lifted up her dark chocolate hair up 

Katara bite her lip and scared and shaken, sat on the bed, worrying what will happen tomorrow 


It had been a few minutes but for Katara it felt like hours of waiting and as the door opened she saw Aang that was expression less 

"what happened?" Katara ran to Aang, cupping both of his cheeks while admiring them 

"nothing" Aang put both of Katara's hand down 

"Aang..." Katara saw Aang storm past her very quickly 

"why didn't you just tell me!" Aang almost yelled as he sat down

"Aang...i'm sorry i just couldn't it wasn't the right time-"

"JUST WHAT KATARA? NOT THE RIGHT TIME? KATARA I TRUSTED YOU...that's what the promise ring for" Aang expressed his anger on the edge of snapping 

"don't you know how angry i was when i saw someone...Zuko took a photo of you..." Aang crossed his arms in angrier 

Katara didn't speak in response and Aang waiting for a few seconds and after a few second, had enough and walked out the door slamming it loud and hard in the process,

Katara was stunned and fell the floor in shock and wept

what has she done?

"i'm so sorry Aang...i really am" Katara said as she cupped her own cheeks 

Meanwhile Aang walked out and air bended himself on a nearby roof and sat down, many thoughts came rushing through his head and his anger consumed him over and over again

(why didn't she tell me sooner) Aang thought as he looked at the sky 

He slammed his head and after hours feel asleep under the night stars that glistened through the night sky as he couldn't face Katara, not after that 


The next day Aang snuck in into their room, seeing sleepy Katara and got everything and waited outside for the the class to meet there and sure enough they did after hours and as they got on a bus Katara sat in a seat and as Aang was about to sit there, having no choice, someone called him over 

"hey Aang come here!" Aang's council friend called from the back, yelling at him

Aang smiled and looked back at him

"sure" Aang walked to sit next to him, and the friend was stunned that his plan actually worked, Aang always sat next to his girlfriend 

But on the other hand Katara grew sad seeing that unfold

(is he that mad at me) Katara thought as she brought her knees up to her head, hiding her emotions 


It was a long, long ride, the bus was very noisy and hearing Aang's voice made her sadder, oh how she missed him talked to her but Katara thanked it was all over as she went of the blue bus, she saw Sokka waiting for her in the drive way, playing with the car wheel but looking back at Aang, he smiled at his friends, it was brighter than yesterday but somehow when they connected eyes, Aang just stared coldly at her making her heart ache 

"KATARA!" Sokka yelled as he stuck his head through the car window and beeping at her to come in the car as he waited for hours for her arrival 

Katara gulped and looked down as she slowly walked to the honking car 

Aang on the other hand watched as they drove off and stared coldly and sighed

what will tomorrow bring? they both thought as the same time 


The next day beamed through Katara's window and she sighed as she groaned at the clock beside her night stand 

(zuko...) she thought as she flipped her hair on the other side 

Katara sighed as she got out and walked out of bed 

(i miss you Aang...) Katara thought as she clutched both of her fists 

Katara got out of the bed and got ready, putting on a mask that she was happy to her family memebers as they both sat and ate breakfast together and then after got Sokka to drive them both to school as they always debated about but Katara was tired and wanted her terrible driver, her brother Sokka to drive and on the ride just stared out the window and avoided conversation  but as,

  she stepped out of the blue car  and met are there new meeting spot in the hallway, 

she saw Zuko and Aang at each other's throats, preparing for a fist fight...

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