⌛C h a p t e r 3 1 ~ M i s u n d e r s t o o d⌛

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~ Warning : Swearing & Mature Content👌 ~

"Aang don't you think it's a bit too early to-"

"omg no Katara this is a promise ring! for us and our love!" Aang said rubbed his neck embarrassed, he knew this will happen 

"oh Aang you didn't have to"

"well have i repaid you for our relationship and plus my birthday"

"well still-"

"exactly" Aang interrupted Katara putting his finger on her lips 

Katara held her laugh but released it, laughing very loudly 

"well i accept" Katara did in a posh tone and posture, trying to hid her laughter

Aang carefully put the ring on Katara's excited finger and Katara leaned in kissing Aang roughly, sending them to the floor where Katara was on top of Aang and while staring lustfully in Aang's eyes and being in control, Katara leaned in for a passionate kiss and after that, stunned, Aang covered his face being full cherry red with both of his hands

"haha, sorry Aang" Katara sat on Aang fixing her hair

Aang sat up with Katara sitting on him

"and that's why i brought a private room" Aang chuckled

"speaking of which, want to head back?" Aang pointed, using his another hand to rub his neck

Katara agreed and the two lovers got up and payed at the counter and went out the restaurant building and linked arms 

"Aang after all that you are still blushing?" Katara teased taking a glimpse of Aang's face

"shut up..." Aang mumbled covering his face 

Katara laughed

"my shy arrow boyfriend"


They got back to their rooms and changed into pjs, they both jumped on each side of the white, stainless bed, then turned on a movie on the tv and Katara admired the ring on her finger

"Aang you really didn't have to, this ring was expensive!" Katara stared in Aang's stormy eyes 

"don't mention it" Aang gave Katara a peck on the lips, making her go quiet

Aang smiled and they watched the tv and after got some shut eye after getting tired 


And right before Katara was going to sleep, Katara put a ring near the side of her night stand where it couldn't fall down and peacefully hugged Aang while they both slept 



The next day they arose and got ready together, like messing around when brushing teeth and then after messing around in the sink, finally changed 

~ K a t a r a ' s  O u t f i t  +  N e c k a l a c e ~

~ K a t a r a ' s  O u t f i t  +  N e c k a l a c e ~

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~ A a n g ' s  O u t f i t ~

Aang smiled after exiting the bathroom to see Katara put her ring on, the one Aang gave her as a symbol of there love and picked up a bag and sorted out all their needs and a little bit of the others in the bag, big engouh but not to heavy and not...

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Aang smiled after exiting the bathroom to see Katara put her ring on, the one Aang gave her as a symbol of there love and picked up a bag and sorted out all their needs and a little bit of the others in the bag, big engouh but not to heavy and noticing that, Katara hugged Aang from behind

"Katara i need to get upp" Aang teased

"awww" Katara let out of her hands over Aang and stood up

Aang stood up and held her arms

"lets go" he smiled

Katara agreed and they meet the gang at the lobby

"god i hope the weather is nice" Sokka whined

"well i hope as well" Katara said thinking of the weather 

"don't we all?" Zuko added

The tour bus arrived, the same one as before, as yestaurday, as soon as Zuko said that and they got on the bus, two by two... and talked after getting settled and after getting on the bus to pass the time on the trip for the tour 

"hey Katara what's that on your finger?" Sokka noticed a diamond on Katara finger because he put her finger on his chair while trying to talk to Toph 

"Aang proposed to me" Katara joked to drive Sokka mad

"WAIT WHAT!" Sokka yelled that the whole tour bus got ear raped and also passing cars as well

"promise ring" Aang reassured to calm Sokka down

Sokka slowly calmed down after those words entered his head 

"bro it was just a joke" Zuko reassured again noticing Sokka was heated and patted his shoulder

Sokka scoffed and leaned back in his chair crossing his arms 

"hey Aang you ever cried?" Sokka asked turning back after second thought 

The gang looked at him, at his reaction after never seeing him cry, ever 

"no, not since i was since i was 3" Aang crossed his arms

"wow, what made that happen" Sokka said turning back around 

Aang held his arms tightly 

"none ya!" Aang almost yelled back making Sokka jumped

"ok, and also by the way if we were to fight, who would win, me or you?" Sokka wondered putting a finger on his lips 

Aang scoffed and crossed his arms 

"i'm a belt belt and a boxer and a swimmer, can you beat that?" Aang said glaring in Sokka's eyes

Sokka gulped lowering his head slowly 

"btw why so many questions?" Aang said crossing his arms, ready for an answer from Sokka

"just knowing my future brother in law" Sokka said facing the front, avoiding eye contract from Aang

"well Aang i'm a black belt" Zuko said turning the attention to him

"ok, bet" Aang said turning to him

"wow just kidding, i'm not that good" Zuko rubbed his neck

"anyways guys, no fighting, i can beat your ass and nonsense! let's move on to something different" Suki changed the topic, slightly lying 

"sure, i like that" Aang smiled hiding his anger inside him

He hated talking about his childhood 

"yeah um the ring Aang got me looks good" Katara showed her finger and pointed it to the girls, well Suki

The gang looked but Sokka didn't look at it

"meh" Toph said gesturing not needing to turn around after taking a glimpse  

The gang laughed but Sokka

Sokka turned his head

(I misunderstood him) he thought.

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