💡C ha t p e r 2 5 ~ I d e a s 💡

805 15 27

~ Warning : Swearing & Mature Content 👌~

Aang took a picture calmly and after seeing the flash on them, Ty-lee blushed and walked out pass Aang out the door

"so, slacking off duties?' Aang said leaning on the door frame

"well- WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE?" Azula said snapping back 

"council meeting" Aang showed the last minute schedule

"well i don't know what you saw-"

"oh i know what i saw Azula, you can't lie" Aang chuckled crossing his arms

"well what evidence do you have? your eyes!" Azula quickly said biting back 

"this" Aang pointed to the picture on his phone

Azula was furious and tried to take Aang's phone but Aang slide it in his pocket after seeing the door open by the other student council shadow and seeing the other student council, Aang sat down at the top of the table and they joined him sitting at the side of the table and Azula death stared Aang through out his speech on taking ideas from the survey sent to the school and after the speech Azula confronted Aang outside the council room

"What so you want Azula? i have a busy day" Aang said putting his hands in his pocket

"you can't send that to anyone!" Azula pointed at Aang

"we'll see about that, just behave and you won't have to worry about that" Aang passed her making her speechless 

(that son of a bitch...) Azula thought crossing his arms in disbelief 


A month pasted and Katara knew she was drifting away from Aang further and that made her heart ache thinking of him and when she was free he was cooped up in his house for who know what he was doing and therefore was always busy and so that day Malina and her where making dumplings, the one her and Aang made before and thinking of that, her face turned sad

"anything wrong?" Malina noticed her gloomy face

"nothing..." Katara turned her head

"i know that sad face" Malina said patting her shoulder

"well i guess my boyfriend and i use to make this and the thing is, he been so busy lately" Katara sadly replied 

"it's ok" Malina smiled warmly at her thinking of a plan 

So after cooking them and eating she put the leftovers (there were still yummy btw) in a plastic bag and gave it to Katara who was confused

"what is this for?" Katara stared at it confused

"give it to your boyfriend Aang" Malina smiled

Katara lit up in excitment 

"thank you so much" Katara quickly ran upstairs to change and went back down and before she could reach the door Malina tapped her shoulder

"you can sleep there~" Malina winked

Katara smiled and thanked her and after closing the door she sighed

(maybe Malina wasn't so bad) she thought as she got in the car and drove off.


Warning :Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon  Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little n Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little LemoLittle Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little Lemon Little 

 ~ you have been warned ~

After arriving at Aang's house, Katara got out of the car nervously but as she was about to knock on the door, Gyasto opened it

"hello Katara, Aang's in his room" Gyasto smiled gesturing 

Katara thanked him as Gyasto got in his car to go to work 

Then after seeing him drove off, Katara walked to Aang's room and knocked on the door

"come in" a voice on the other side said

Katara opened the door 

"Hi Aang, just staying here for awhile" Katara held her arm

"oh hi Katara" Aang said not turning back to face her

Katara came closer to him and his desk

"what are you doing" Katara pointed at the big amounts of paper 

"just taking in requests for the school and learning the rules of being council member, i'm still new to this" Aang massaged his head

Katara looked at it and sat on his bed, scrolling through Instagram till it got to quiet 

"so i made dumplings" Katara said breaking silent

Aang nodded while writing notes 

"and we haven't seen each other lately" Katara added

Aang nodded again while writing notes

"love me!" Katara tried to get noticed

And Aang just nodded again doing notes 

Katara knew Aang was stressed and over whelmed and the fact he isn't really listening to her makes her want his attention so she thought of a plan and while walking up she slide her finger on Aang's paper and sat on his lap facing him

"w-what a-are y-you K-Katara?" Aang tried to write his notes blushing pink

"love me" Katara stared in Aang's eye making him blush red

Katara saw Aang cover his face and gave him a rough passionate kiss, breathing in his scent and after breaking out, their string of love connected them two together and Aang carried Katara to the bed

"you want love?" Aang asked pinning Katara to the bed

Katara nodded and he kissed her again


 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of little lemon juice :)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Aang woke up to the beam of the sun on his face

"shit...my council thing" Aang said waking up

As he got up he saw Katara lying peacefully next to him and stroked her soft chocolate hair

(it was worth it) He smiled at Katara

Katara woke up and focused her eyes on Aang and kissed his cheek

"what was your plan this time?" Aang wondered

"for what?" Katara asked confused 

"Your idea to stay at my house?" Aang smiled at Katara chuckling 

"Malina let me stay here" Katara smiled at Aang

Aang smiled while chuckling 

"i sorry about turning you down-"

"shut up before i change my mind" Katara put a finger on Aang's lips before putting her hands around Aang's neck and kissing him


After making up turned out in to a making out session, on Monday Aang was strolling through the halls on his duty as planned when Katara ran to him panicking 

"Katara what's wrong?" Aang noticed Katara panicking and breathing heavily 

"Suki and Toph are fighting!"

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