⚽C h a p t e r 3 5 ~ S c o r e⚽

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~ Waring : Swearing & Mature content 👌~

Katara and Aang shared an passionate kiss and after getting lost in the moment, Aang lifted Katara swiftly to the bed holding her arms above her head making her hair go everywhere on the bed after Katara took her hair tie off and kissed her and

i 'm pretty sure you knows what happens next...


The sun peeked through Aang's dusty window and Aang groaned sitting up

"Morin" Katara smiled looking at Aang like she was awake all night 

"shit, did we" Aang gestured blushing 

"yep" Katara smiled 

"and i now have to pick up my cloths and get changed" Katara smiled going to the edge of his bed giggling 

"wait do we have school?" Aang questioned confused

"you forgot? " Katara chuckled at her confused boyfriend 

"wait you have your school cloths ready?" Aang acted innocently forgetting the topic 

"yep, like i said i was prepared, now i'm going to shower" Katara smiled moving the blanket 

"the one next to my room, the one for guests, you can use that bathroom, and it's clean" Aang smiled  

"i will" Katara got up brushing her hair with her fingers 

And before Katara reached the door knob she turned around to face Aang again

"you gotten better" she chuckled 

Aang scoffed and laid down on his bed when the door closed 

"better" he mumbled as he finally  got up to get ready 


After they finished getting ready they drove to a nearby café to get some food for breakfast to bring up their energy and ate it then after, talked for a few minutes 

"thank you Aang" Katara thanked Aang for pulling the chair for her earlier 

"so do you think i am still president of student council?" Aang rubbed his neck with the other hand on the wooden table 

"well Azula was an asshole was she was president, we all missed you Aang" Katara held Aang's hand

"i heard" Aang sighed remembering last night 

"still remember anything i told you Aang?" Katara wondered

"well what you were teaching me i already knew" Aang chuckled

"ugh" Katara scoffed crossing her arms, pissed 

"anyways we should get to school" Aang rubbed his neck changing the topic 

"sure" Katara got up holding Aang's hand 


After going to school by car and having two classes (so they were on break) Aang and Katara walked to meet up with the gang, passing the hallway to the council room 

"good to have you as president of student council again" Katara said happily holding Aang's hand

"Azula would be pissed..." Aang sighed being the good man he was 

"oh well, you deserve it more" Katara drink her water bottle 

"hey can you wait here i have to get some papers in the council room" Aang gestured

Katara agreed to wait by the door and Aang quickly went inside the council room, Katara sighed and played on her phone

"asshole" Aang ran up the stairs as he exited the council room

Katara was confused but after overthinking it, ran after Aang up the stairs 

"Aang what happened?" Katara ran to Aang standing in the hallway barely huffing nor puffing 

"a mother fucker tried to take a photo of you" Aang said pissed, very pissed 

"i'm sure it nothing, Aang the decorations this year near the council room is amazing" Katara tried to look on the bright side besides being pissed as well but holding her angrier in 

"fine but if i see that mother fuc- p-person do that again, he will have he last breath" Aang said still mad 

Katara was scared, she had never seen him that angry before besides from when he saw Jet but this was worse

"c'mon Aang let's meet up with the others" Katara held his hand weakly smiling back at him 

Aang agreed and they walked to the field that Sokka and Suki were completing at 

"wow" Aang looked at Suki kick the ball that was out of bounce 

"meh Sokka is better" Toph said putting her feet on the ground so she could feel the game better 

"if you say so" Katara sat down trying not to giggle 

The round had started again as Suki scored and Suki was on fire and Toph knew it and Sokka kept huffing and puffing from the amount of time he tried to kick the ball or run after it 

"Sokka is terrible" Katara teased Sokka crossing her arms 

"he really is" Aang said adding to that sentence 

"WELL WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT SOCCER!" Toph defended her boyfriend 

"nvm" Aang and Katara reassured saying it at the same time 

"where's Zuko" Katara looked around for the fire boy 

"with Mai" Toph said still focusing on the game 

"she's back?" Aang said confused 

"yep, ages ago twinkle toes" Toph explained

"hey guys!" Suki went up to Aang, Katara and Toph after she scored 

"hey" Katara waved sightly smiling 

"h-hey g-guys w-what d-day it is?" Sokka huffed and puffed as he slowly got up to the rest of teh gang 

"time for you to get better at soccer" Katara teased to her older brother 

"hey don't-"

"your right" Sokka fainted  before Toph can defend her terrible at soccer boyfriend 

The gang dragged him to the lunch table where they fed him to bring his lost energy back 

"yummy!" Sokka got up smelling food instantly and getting his fork and knife to get the food 

"by the way Katara what were you doing last night" Sokka stuffed his face with food, knowing her sister didn't come home, knowing he let her stay there 

"well i was studying with Aang!" Katara made a excuse, forgetting Toph was there for a minute 

"stop lying sugar queen" Toph crossed her arms chuckling having her feet on the ground this time 

"do you really want to know Sokka?" Katara chuckled

Sokka nodded as he took another bite from his tall sandwich 

"well none ya, BEAT THAT TOPH" Katara objected

Sokka scoffed leaning back on his chair crossing his arms, letting his food down on his messy plate 

"hey guys" Zuko waved smiling 

"hey Zuko" Katara waved smiling 

Aang looked at how she waved and smiled and was a little jealous knowing she never did that to him before but shook it off (but really Katara was fake smiling btw)

"btw that reminds me, Sokka can we talk with private!" Katara said firmly  weakly smiling 

"sure" Sokka got up and gulped 

The two siblings went to empty hallway

"Sokka, Aang's back, now 

tell me what happened to mum that day."

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