⛓C h a p t e r 3 9 ~ A s u m e⛓

715 23 29

~ Warning : Swearing & Mature content👌 ~

- Se v e r a l   m in u t e s   u p   l e a d i n g  u p   t o   t h e   f i g h t  - 

"Hey Aang!" Zuko waved from a distance after getting out of a car

Aang scoffed and leaned on the wall 

"just great..." he sad under his breath as he waved slightly 

They caught up and Zuko noticed that Aang was angry, clutching his hands and scoffing more than often then usual 

"hey you ok?" Zuko said getting out of his position to make sure his "friend" (more like rival) was okay 

"no, i'm not" Aang smiled chuckling 

"well you can tell me what happened, we been friends since year 

7" Zuko chuckled crossing his arms, remembering memories 

"well one question really" Aang said turning to Zuko

"do tell" Zuko rubbed his hands for the gossip 

"did. you. take. pictures. of. Katara?" Aang asked slowly so Zuko would understand the first time

Zuko gulped and took a few deep breathes 

"what no, why the fuck would i do that, only a creep would do that" Zuko said chuckling nervously 

"so you wouldn't mind if i looked at your phone? would you?" Aang said gesturing for his phone in his pocket

"and why the fuck would i give you my phone" Zuko scoffed

"so you have pictures of Katara" Aang's expression went downwards, catching him red handed 

Zuko gulped once more plus breathing heavily 

"you know what? i'm going" Zuko tried to walk past Aang

"i just what to talk" Aang grabbed his wrist softly, not hard at all

Zuko snapped and turned around punching Aang but he missed as he dodged it swiftly 

"Zuko! i'm not fighting you i just want you know if you took pictures of Katara!" Aang yelled 

"yeah right!" Zuko through another punch, Aang dodged it easily 

Zuko scoffed and tried punching again and Aang caught it but Katara was there looking at them

~ P r e s e n t   t i m e ~ 

Katara was shocked but it was too late, the teacher hearing lots of racket next room arrived  to investigate the noise and sent them to the principle's office after hearing their excuses and sides 

"what gotten into you Aang?" Katara whispered to herself as he walked to the principle's office 

The boys went to the office and was scolded at by the principle hmself, especially Aang because he was president of student council and both got a suspension for 2 days  but Zuko got more because of the picture news arriving to the principle just in time for him to be scolded once more and after several minutes, they were let go 

"thanks Aang" Zuko went out the door

"don't look at me, you brought this on yourself " Aang said as he bumped shoulders with Zuko as he sped past 

Katara waited at the cafeteria and confronted Aang

"Aang you bastard!" Katara yelled pointing at him 

"Katara?" Anag questioned confused


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