📓C h a p t e r 2 6 ~ P l a n📓

743 13 9

~ Waring : Swearing ~

"what? why?" Aang asked confused

"it's a lot to explain...just come with me" Katara grabbed Aang's arm leading him to the fight not playing any longer 

Toph and Suki were about to throw punches at one another but Aang stop them both in time

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF SPIRITS IS THIS?" Aang yelled at the two 

"that son of a bitch told me how to treat my fucken boyfriend" Toph pointed at Suki

"YOU FUCKEN YELLED AT HIM" Suki fought back at Toph 

Aang let go of both of them by accident to think of what to do and how to handle them but when he let go, they punched each other, pulling hairs and Aang quickly acted and twisted one of their hands, not all the way but enough to made it hurt really hurt for the two of them 

"ENOUGH, SHUT YOUR MOUTHS YOU PATHETIC CHILD, YOU HAD ONE JOB AND IT WAS TO BEHAVE AND I NOW I HAVE NO CHOICE! GO. TO. THE. COUNSELLOR." Aang said yelling at the both of them pointing to the counsellor's office telling them to go there

The two knew Aang was doing his job and didn't fight back because of their hands aching so he wouldn't twist them again so they went to the counsellor's office not making eye contract with one another and knocked on the door, ready for what's to bring

"what the fuck happened" Aang put his hands on his hip pissed, while looking at the two boys sitting down trying to act clueless  about what just happened 

"well Toph was lecturing Sokka about eating and getting food everywhere and on her feet and Suki just snapped just like that and Toph "yelled" at him" Zuko explained and gestured as well

"it that all?" Aang said getting really pissed crossing his arms

"yeah..." Sokka rubbed his neck nervous 

Aang slammed his head

"that's nothing to argue about and it the last week of term 2!" Aang pointed out stressed

"yeah what are we going to do for the two weeks?" Sokka wondered trying to change the topic 

Katara sat down to join them

"probably go on a vacation~" Katara winked at Aang

Aang covered his face from the blush

"u-um anyways i have to get going" Aang pointed

The gang waved good bye to him and Aang went to his duty 

Meanwhile Toph and Suki were being scolded by the counsellor and had to clean out the sport shed as their punishment 

"this is all your fault" Toph said under her breath


"shut up he was only eating messy and got in on my feet and YOU know i see with my feet so i wasn't in a good mood at the time" Toph laid down not helping at all

"IT DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET TO EXPRESS THAT ON OTHERS" Suki snapped back and threw the broom stick near Toph

"JUST MINE YOUR OWN FUCKEN BUSINESS" Toph yelled walking out of the shed, having enough 

"MAYBE I WILL NEXT TIME" Suki yelled enough for Toph to hear as she walked out, also getting the broom to clean up

(that son of a bitch) Suki thought  as she swept the floor


After cleaning up without Toph's help, Suki told the counsellor what happened and Toph had to do next term, one week of detention which Toph cursed Suki for that and after school was out the student council members waved Aang goodbye because Aang had to stay back to check on some things while Katara walked to the council room waiting at the door to wait for Aang

"Katara you know you can come in" Aang said writing notes knowing Katara was staring at him

Katara stepped in and walked to Aang's desk

"watcha doin?" Katara said playing with her hair looking at his notes 

"nothin much" Aang said staring into her eyes dropping his pen

They both locked eye contract 

"uhm Zuko asked if you wanted to go to Ba Sing Sa, his treat" Katara said breaking the eye contract

"as a vaccination?" Aang asked

 "yeah for 1 week and a half and no parents" Katara clear

"are you coming?" Aang asked pleading for Katara to come

"of course! and plus i finally get to take care of myself over seas" Katara said crossing her arms

Aang closed his book and slide it in his bag

"you want to go to an gaming arcade?" Aang wondered holding Katara's hand



Aang drove Katara to the arcade where they started playing games while Katara lead Aang to a fighting game and being against each other Katara won and Aang sighed

"your good at boxing and gaming?" Aang questioned the water bender

"what, surpised?" Katara chuckled at Aang

Aang thought for a moment

"nope not surpised but amazed" Aang kissed Katara on the cheek

They both laughed and next played a horror game which to Katara jumped on Aang

"did you die?" Aang asked shooting in the game

"yeah" Katara buried her face in Aang's chest

He chuckled and hugged her while also playing the game and after the game, they enjoyed the other games and Aang won Katara a cute teddy bear which she loved and after playing a little more games, they stopped and Aang drive Katara home

"thank you Aang" Katara said smiling at Aang

"for what?" Aang said confused

"for letting me have fun with you" Katara kissed Aang's cheek making him blush before she waved goodbye 

"bye sweetie" Aang smiled


Katara got in her house and went upstairs to Sokka's room

"Sokka- what are you doing?" Katara saw Sokka's clothes everywhere

"packing for the vacation why?" Sokka said showing his a t-shirt

"ok...., better clean it up, i'm not cleaning after you!" Katara pointed at Sokka, lecturing him

"ok, Katara you think this shirt is fancy?" Sokka asked showing her a t-shirt 

"yeah" Katara said quickly slamming the door so she wouldn't have to see Sokka's fashion show

She sighed and packed her cloths in a suitcase as well

"i hope this plays out well..." she thought

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