🌧🌦C h a p t e r 3 7 ~ T r i p🌧🌦

676 22 34

~ Waring : Swearing  ~

"Shit, it's not what it looks like" Zuko tried to take his phone back but Katara held it out of his reach 

"there's a picture of me at the council room wait... WHAT THE FUCK ZUKO!" Katara stood up i shook throwing the phone at Zukos face and about to slap him

"I TRUSTED YOU!" Katara said crying out loud making the small attention(not much people were there) crowding to her 

"listen it's not what it looks like" Zuko tried to explain but kept stuttering 

Katara looked at him for a quick glance and ran away crying just in time for Aang to see that as he reached the table

"what happened?' Aang asked Zuko not knowing what just happened all but her running away from the table just now 

Zuko shrugged, acting innocent and Aang ran to Katara 

"Katara! Katara!" Aang run to Katara, telling her to stop running and talk for a moment 

Katara collapsed near a tree patting and crying and Aang leans in front of her cupping her cheek with both of his hands 

"hey, hey i'm here what's wrong?" Aang wiped her tears with his hands

Katara cried more and cried in his chest

"what wrong?" Aang asked more softly

Katara shook her head, telling him that she didn't want to tell him what happened

"Katara please if someone hurt you, i can deal with them" Aang cupped her cheek, talking very softly 

Katara shook her head as in no

"i- i-it's...m-my m-m-mum" Katara made an excuse, she couldn't tell him, not now, it wasn't the right moment 

"oh then you want to talk about something else?" Aang knew Katara didn't wanted to talk about her mother because it was a sad  topic to talk about 

Katara nodded and Aang leaned on the tree while Katara leaned on his shoulder still huffing and still sad plus confused and angry

"well i just got tickets for a trip, for three days and it's tomorrow because i came to school late... but they only had two so the others can't come...from the council " Aang smiled showing Katara the tickets in a happy face 

Katara paused 

"sure Aang...

i will come with you."


That night Katara sat on her bed, unable to sleep and as the wind banged on her window she heard a moment outside as the wind howled louder , and to her horror behind the tree was Zuko in black with a blue mask as he took it of his face and she gasped

"NO!" Katara sat up on her bed, squeezing her bed sheets 

it was late at night and she was only dreaming,

Katara cried at the thought, she could not get Zuko out her head, in a bad way and she wondered 

how could she tell Aang?

it was surely break his heart and Katara hated that and Zuko was still her...friend and who knows what Aang could do to Zuko, it dawned on Katara and the thoughts consumed her and to sleep took hours.


The next day Aang brushed his hair with his fingers in the mirror, looking at himself and changed and after doing so, checked his suitcase and after having everything and having everything checked, got his keys to drive to Katara's house and parked in her drive way 

"Hey Katara!" Aang helped her with the suitcase as soon as he got out 

"thanks...Aang" Katara smiled weakly at him and he did notice as he took the suitcase 

"you ok? was it yesterday? or do you not want to go? i can change i-"

"you talk to much" Katara kissed Aang to make him shut up making him blush in the process

"i'm ok..." Katara smiled

Aang smiled weakly back and Katara held her arm and sat went in the car as he opened the car door,

It was a slow ride, they went on a bus, that was better than a normal bus and Katara sat by the window

"i see you brought your girlfriend along, simp" Azula stood staring at the two

"can say the same for you and Ty-lee" Aang smiled

Azula covered her face from the blush and Katara giggled, covering her face from Azula seeing 

"s-shut UP!" Azula stomped to Ty-lee

Aang watched and chuckled and went on his phone 

(this was going to be a long ride) Aang thought


Katara looked at the window after minutes

(house...house...) Katara counted the houses

Aang picked a magazine and red it and Katara took a glimpse at the page 

"Ozai's son" 

 The title red, Katara saw Zuko on the cover and smacked it down in Aang's hands

"Katara!" Aang yelled softly at her 

"sorry, sorry, sorry" Katara cried curling up into a ball

"no, no it's ok" Aang said dropping the magazine

He hugged her

(wait Zuko was on the other side, the side Katara was facing, what does she have against Zuko?) Aang thought as he hugged Katara tighter 


The bus stopped and the council members and there buddies went to go to their hotel room since the trip there was long 

"finally out of that bus" Azula stretched

"don't worry Azula you get plenty of rest soon!" Ty-lee smiled 

Aang stopped to look at the happy couple

(where's that gone) Aang's face sadden as he turned to Katara in the sad expression 


After that day, the trip pasted by and Katara grew sadder as Aang was enjoying it (well not as much because Katara was sad all trip) and seeing Zuko more and more was even worse and on the last day, Aang had enough after hearing i'm fine for so many times , 

where was his forever girl gone?

"Hey Katara what's wrong you have been sad all trip!" Aang shut the door they settled in on there last night 

"it nothing!" Katara turned her head crying 

"please Katara, i'm


you tell me please" Aang opened his arms for a hug 

Katara looked at it and backed away from the guilt and spilled it all out 


There was silence...

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