🎢C h a p t e r 1 6 ~ F o r g i v e🎢

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"oh crapp..." Zuko said in a shock face 

"OMG AANG! IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE" Katara pushed Zuko to the floor, bruising, making him sit up and massage his head

Aang covered his face from the verge of tears  

"sorry, i'm interrupting something" Aang quickly close the door sighing on the other side

The gang then arrived and Aang acted like nothing happened and ignored Katara the whole way, this however made her grow worried and after that, came to his house after it was all over with the packing and "Moving".

"Oh, hi Katara" Aang weakly waved at her as well as smiling, gesturing her to sit down at the table to "talk", she could read her

"look Aang, what you saw...it wasn't want it looked like" Katara said sitting down trying to explain what happened

"i-, i don't know if i can trust you" Anag turned his head playing with his fingers

Katara looked down in a sad expression

"i know you'll never believe me, but please, can i ask you a favour?" Katara asked holding his hands

Aang raised an eyebrow to this

"sure..."he turned back crossing his arms, ready to hear the favour she requested

"when i leave, promise you will still be there for me..." Katara cried holding it tightly

Aang took pity on the water bender and hugged her close

"promise" he whispered in her ear

~ E a r i l e r ~

Aang could not believe his eye, were they? no, no, Katara wouldn't , Aang stood there and notice the camera  on the ceiling and left and went to the camera system room and got the chip that was recording what just happened and slipped it in his pocket quickly

~ P r e s e n t  d a y ~

Aang waved her goodbye and went to his laptop and put the chip in his laptop and saw everything and boy was he happy to see Katara was telling the truth and not lying but just as he took the chip out he had a notification from the gang

~ T h e  G a n g ~

SOKKA : Guys! i just got us tickets to the new amusement park tomorrow!

SUKI : that's great babe!

ZUKO : Great! i want to have fun once and a while....but not today

SUKI: awww :(

TOPH: well, count me in

KATARA : What time?

SOKKA : Noon, Aang you there?

AANG : ...

AANG: sounds great

SOKKA : ok... good! it's settled!

Aang looked and brushed his hair with his hands, 

(i have to tell Katara tomorrow, 

everything) he thought


The next day arose and the gang met at the new, opened amusement park, it was awkward between Aang and Katara

"hey Katara i-"

"Aang bet you will scream like a girl on the ride" Sokka put his arm on his shoulder, picturing it will happen as well as pointing to the high ride

Aang looked at him then to Katara in a sad look

"bet..." Aang went with Sokka in a sad stance

"hey what's with you and Aang, you seem...distance" Suki said putting a finger on her chin

"yeah sugar queen why?" Toph punched her

"nothing happened, let's catch up with Sokka" Katara tried to change the topic and quickly walked to Sokka's side

Suki and Toph looked at each other and shook it off and catch up with the others at the ride

They arrived in the waiting lining were Suki and Sokka where exchanging kisses and talking romance, making Katara and Aang looking at each other more awkwardly and distancing from one another

(maybe it's time to tell her) Aang thought as he aproached her

"Katara i-"

"okay our turn, COME ON" Sokka got pumped up and pushed Aang to the seat

"ok" Aang rubbing his neck

They went on and Sokka started breathing, really hard

"are you ok Sokka?" Suki asked noticing it

"yeah, yeah AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Sokka said as they started, he clutched the seat

Suki smiled, noticing her chicken boyfriend and when the ride started to go higher Sokka screamed his head of like a girl while Toph yawned and after the ride, they planned to get food

Suki and Sokka got cotton candy and shared and Katara and Aang have separate cotton candy and seeing Suki and Sokka sharing made Katara miss Aang, and think when they use to share food and Aang miss her and as always about to confess to Katara, about the recording Sokka and Suki interrupted

"hey what should we do next?"

The rest of the day, they spend having fun, well i mean mostly Suki and Sokka and by the time it ended they started to get a bigger lunch

"hey!  i heard there were fireworks!" Suki exclaimed

"great...go without me" Toph whined 

"why?" Sokka said

Toph told him to close his eyes and yelled 

"BANG!" Toph said making Sokka jump

The gang laughed at him

"sorry..." Sokka said rubbing his neck

And when it hit night the fireworks began and Aang and Katara equally were tired watching it and went outside the amusement park, both parting at a different time, Toph was long gone and already home and Katara went out to see Aang standing there, admiring the night sky

"what are you doing here?" she asked joining him

"taking fresh air, you?" Aang asked turning to her

"tired" yawned Katara

"i can walk you home" Aang offered

"that be great" Katara said without thinking

They went back and boy it was awkward then Katara expected and after they were close to her house she wanted to "try" end it, the weridness

"soo..." Katara played with her fingers

Aang pulled her aside thinking of what he had to say before she entered her house

"look, Katara i know what happened and you and Zuko and you weren't lying about what happened and i can't stay silent anymore, i want to be with you if its the last thing i do" Aang said firmly

Katara blushed

"Aang i-"

 Before she could say anything, Aang kissed her, being in his scent, she shared a passionate kiss and when breaking out she said

"i also want to be with you, if it's the last thing i do."

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