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Lorelei had always thought Daniel a good friend of her's, he was very kind to her when Taehyung decided to up and leave her and even kinder when she found out about Taehyung's horrible choice of leaving her for some tumbleweed hick in South Korea, she couldn't believe it! She expected Taehyung to come back to his senses but he seemed to keep drowning in this person's spell. 

Lorelei has always appreciated Taehyung ,but when he began acting like that, she just didn't know what to do. She wanted to help him but she didn't know how. He was so distant and cruel to her that she was at a loss for what to do. Then Daniel, the wonderful man that he is, gave her a way to help her Taehyung. She was only sorry that Daniel would not give up the name of the man who was poisoning her Taehyung's mind, but he was not important. What was important was getting Taehyung to come back to her, and the best way to do that was get rid of the main root of the problem. The man in Busan South Korea, Jeongguk Jeon.

Once she'd heard his name from Taehyung that first time, she made sure to do a fair bit of research. He wasn't worthy of Taehyung.  An orphan in a backwater town with no family to his name except a non-biological brother and a miniscule clinic that made barely a fraction of what Taehyung made in a year.


Lorelei didn't want to hurt this man, it was clear he was a pawn, but Taehyung was more important to her than some obscure country nobody. Before she went to speak with Jeongguk, she decided to make one last plea to Taehyung, to let him see the light and let Jeongguk down easily. It would be nicer to not have to see Jeongguk hurt, but she would do anything for Taehyung, but in the end, Jeongguk was always going to turn out to be a commodity.


Lorelei went to Taehyung the next morning to ask him about what he wanted from Jeongguk. Taehyung received her very coolly, not even glancing her way when she came through the door of his office.

"What do you want Lorelei? I'm very busy." He grunted, dark eyes flashing across the information on his computer screen.

"I wanted to speak to you about Jeongguk... and us." His shoulders straightened and he turned to look at her.

"What would you like to know?"

She stepped forward, careful this time after his horrible outburst from one of their earlier visits. "Why did you leave me?"

Taehyung rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Lorelei..."

"Please Taehyung, it's been bothering me for a while now."

He stared at her for a while before replying. "You're wonderful Lorelei, but you're too single-minded. You wanted to marry me because we made the perfect corporate couple, which I won't deny, at the time we did. But I didn't want to be the man that you paraded around on your arm for all the world to see."

Her eyes narrowed. "You were threatened by me?"

"Not really, no. I admire how committed you are to the people that you help on a daily basis, but I wasn't the one that you needed, in reality you don't need anyone, you're strong enough to hold yourself up without a man."

She sighed, "Did you ever stop to think that I wanted you, not your corporate status? I didn't think that you were the kind who wanted a romance, so I didn't force one on you. I saw you as the kind who worked hard, and on some level, wanted companionship, but not someone who clung to you and got mad when you didn't arrive home on time for dinner. I wanted to be that for you."

He smiled slightly and nodded for her to pull up the chair near him so she could sit and still speak with him on a personal level. "At one time that may have been what I wanted, but for a while now I haven't had a clue what I want, but you must realize that I have never seen you in a romantic way. You've always been a friend, not a lover or a wife."

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