chapter 19

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 I didn't see Jade for the rest of the night. After we met with the absolutely terrifying Mr. Brown, we were sent to solitary (or what Jade occasionally refers to it- 'the hole') for the night and we get to go back tomorrow morning. Last I saw Jade she was giving me a small smile before walking into another small cell a couple doors down from where I was eventually placed.

I don't understand how Jade was able to stay here for multiple days. The lights were on, despite it definitely being past lights out (and I came to find out that they never actually turn off) the cell itself is incredibly small and cramped. The whole facility was always cold, but it felt magnified in this particular cell. To top it all off, the whole thing was absolutely disgusting, I didn't want to touch anything. Overall, I wouldn't recommend it. Well, I wouldn't recommend the whole jail situation to begin with, but this especially sucks.

I had to fall asleep with my over my head to try and keep the light out and make myself actually get a little bit of sleep.

The next morning, I was woken up by the sounds of someone banging on another cell door. I could hear Jade getting let out first. I didn't bother trying to go over to the tiny window at the door. It was clouded and disgusting, you could barely see anything out of it and I would see Jade in a bit anyway.

I let myself fall back into a nap, deciding that if I was going to be the second one let back, I might as well take advantage of not needing to get up as early. I have no idea how long I was out, but before I knew it, there was a loud banging on my door. I shot up, startled at first but quickly recovered and made my way to the door so I could go back into general population, and more importantly see Jade.

Unfortunately, my anticipation was quickly killed as soon as I walked into our room. First off, Jade wasn't in there, which she should have been. Second off, I got yelled at to grab all of my stuff.

"What? What do you mean?"

"I mean you have three minutes, roll out Edwards, you're moving to a different room. And don't try throwing a tantrum like Thirlwall, hurry it up,"

I glanced around the room quickly and inventoried everything. It was clear that all of our things were searched, everything was sort of thrown everywhere, nothing was organized. However, knowing Jade, as soon as she got back from segregation, she would have put her things away, and maybe even moving on to putting some of my things away because the mess would have driven her insane. However everything was still thrown about so either Jade wasn't here for very long or she was never here to begin with.

As I was surveying my surroundings, the CO at the door yelled at me again to hurry up.

Deciding not to argue, I started grabbing all of my stuff and putting it on my mattress as quickly as possible. I didn't have much, just a couple books, a few pictures, a drawing Jade made me, and the basic hygiene supplies we are given every two weeks. The CO kept pounding on the door, constantly telling me to hurry up. With one last glance at the room, I wrapped up my mattress with all of my belongings and followed the CO out the door.

He led me to the upstairs area of the pod, passing a couple doors and finally stopping at the one directly above Jade and I's old room. The CO unlocked it and nearly pushed me inside, where I was met face to face with the last person I wanted to room with.

"Hey blondie," Rachel said with a stupid smirk on her stupid face, "Top bunk's yours," I slowly moved around her and pushed my mattress onto the top of the frame.

The room itself was set up exactly the same as Jade's. For whatever reason though, it felt more cramped. Maybe it's because I'm used to sharing the small space with Jade, and she has a weird knack for making the generally intolerable things tolerable. Or maybe it's the fact that I can weirdly feel Rachel looming over me.

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