Ch 25

3.9K 78 41

The normal quiet city of Hosu was now in complete and utter chaos. A good chunk of the city was ether destroyed or on fire. All of this has to do with the League of Villains making there presence known once again by releasing a bunch of nomu like the one at the usj into the city. Because of this the civilians were forced to evacuate the area while the heroes tried to contain the attack to one part of the city. Do to the chaos of the attack and the mod of people trying to get away, a little boy got separated from his mom. The young boy being scared and crying was yelling out to his mother.

Boy: MOMMY!!!

The yelling from the boy ended up drawing attention to him from one of the nomu's. The nomu seeing the boy then charged at the scared child ready to crush him. Right as the monster was about to bring down his massive first on the scared boy, a caped figure swung in out of nowhere and grabbed the boy just in time. This caped figure was none other then Izuku or when he is working Batman. As soon as Batman and the boy were out of the way another figure flew in kicking the nomu square in the jaw with enough force to send it flying. This new person entering the scene was the rabbit hero Miruko.

Miruko: I told you before to stop rushing in without me. You're going to end up getting killed.

Batman: the kid needed my help.

Miruko: you're lucky I was right behind you. What if I wasn't there to help you.

Batman: then I would have thought of another plan to save the boy.

Miruko: speaking of which we better find his parents.

At that very moment a women comes around the corner screaming her sons name in a desperate panic to find him. The boy here that it's his name bring called looks over to see that it is his mother calling his name. The boy then screams out for his mom.

Boy: MOMMY!!!

The women the looks over and sees her son with to heroes. She then runs over to get her son with a look of relief on her face.

Miruko: is this your son?

Mom: yes, yes it is. Thank you so much for finding my baby.

Miruko: it's ok, he's a little scared but he's ok.

The mom then takes her son and holds him tight in her arms.

Boy: mommy!

Mom: it's ok baby, mommy's here.

Batman: ma'am you need to evacuate the area, it's not safe here.

Mom: right! Thank you again.

The mother then runs off and leaves the scene with her son. As the mom and son run off the nomu that Miruko sent flying down the street from her kick began to get back up.

Miruko: Batman you go and provide support to the other heroes. I'll handle this guy myself.

Batman: that's not a good idea. These creatures are strong, it would be best that I helped.

Miruko: as much as I love that you want to help me, I can do this myself.

Batman: are you sure?

Miruko: you can trust me to handle this, like I trusted you to handle Myers.

Batman: fine, but don't die.

Miruko: don't worry handsome, I'll be fine.

Batman then pulled out his grappling hook and used it to pull him to the top of a building. As he was repelling up the building, the nomu launched itself at him in an attempt to stop him from leaving. But when the nomu went for the attack it was met again with another kick from Miruko.

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